Not progressing, hit a wall

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  • TailorMade

    The SCM blog is just such perfect timing.

    I also thought you might like this info. on keeping a Book of Centuries.




    The blog post was very timely indeed! Thank each one of you for your thoughts and shared experiences. I gleaned a lot to think about. I watched him today carefully. He shared something at breakfast that he read during his devotions and my heart smiled. Out of nowhere he asked if I thought it would be ok if he did only a section of math, then something else, then another section of math and so on. He broke today’s worksheet into four parts and did it that way. I thought it was a great idea.

    I did some thinking and realized we still have a lot of time on this writing thing. I thought maybe once a week instead of copywork we would try a dictation lesson and see how it goes. I’m still considering other options.

    I also realized he has been under tremendous pressure lately because he won the lead part in a big Christmas drama this year. He has been memorizing lines and practicing so much for it that he has gotten a bit stressed out. The play will be over in two weeks so I thought maybe we will shelve all changes until after the holidays. It hit me that for a 9yo to win the lead in this play (it was 12& under auditioning) out of the many kids who tried out, and for him to memorize all 8 scenes and 2 speeches was a LOT. I have been putting pressure on him to step it up in school in the morning and then he spends his afternoons working on lines and his Saturdays at practice.

    It occurred to me I may have had very bad timing with trying to increase work load.

    Anyways, I appreciate all of the encouragement and empathy, as well as the wisdom. I need to read over your posts a few more times. I need to soak it in 🙂


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