Crazy. I noticed that it can’t be part of a curriculum, but not that it can’t be taught as part of a family discussion. Not that they won’t try to change that down the road. Is it so crazy to think that one can be respectful to a PERSON while condemming the ACTIONS!?
Fortunately the bill that this article refers to (it’s a year old) didn’t pass. An election was called before the government could pus it through. In the fall, a revised Education Act was brought forward and passed. The wording was changed in the section that might have caused problems. The quotes from Donna McColl in the article were her interpretation of the proposed act, and were quickly refuted by others in government, who claimed that this was never the intent of the law. There was still plenty of work done by local homeschooling organizations, including protests being held, to make sure that the section of the Act was worded in such as way as to not restrict what homeschoolers are allowed to teach.
This is how the law now reads:
“Diversity and respect 16(1) All courses or programs of study and instructional materials used in a school must reflect the diverse nature and heritage of society in Alberta, promote understanding and respect for others and honour and respect the common values and beliefs of Albertans. (2) For greater certainty, the courses or programs of study and instructional materials referred to in subsection (1) must not promote or foster doctrines of racial or ethnic superiority or persecution, social change through violent action or disobedience of laws.”
“Parent responsibilities 32 A parent has the prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be provided to the parent’s child, and as a partner in education, has the responsibility to (a) act as the primary guide and decision-maker with respect to the child’s education,”