Not finishing recommended books in SCM

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    I got all the SCM books for my 3 grades using their recommendations but I notice that it stops half way through the book. They don”t have the child finishing reading the book. I looked ahead in the lesson plans and they don’t pick it back up again. I am wondering why. The are moved on to the next book and my son wants to finish it but has another heavy book ahead of him and I don”t want him getting to far backed up in his reading. This is mainly on 4th grade studies with the history. Examples are Paddle to the Sea and Pilgrims the chapter book. Thanks


    Tamara Bell

    Hi Jamie,

    Are you certain the book is not finished?  I have the 2nd edition of Early Modern in front of me and there is a break with The Landing of the Pilgrims (week 6-8) however it picks back up in week 9.  By creating these breaks it allows us to keep the time periods/events with the family history books better matched to individual readings.


    Hello,  Yes you are correct.

    Thank you


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