non-twaddly music CDs for preschoolers?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Music & Art non-twaddly music CDs for preschoolers?

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  • eawerner

    Our kids just listen to the same stuff we do so some contemporary Christian stuff and some regular ol rock and roll. Ds3 enjoys The Eagles and Foo Fighters. Dd7 tends to like Christian music more. Chris Rice is one of her favorites. I really don’t like kids music either. It tends to drive me batty. I guess that would be twaddly music then, wouldn’t it? Lol


    I just had a thought — maybe you were asking about “classical” music for children….

    How about Gershwin’s music? An American in Paris, Rhapsody in Blue — lots of fun there.

    Or Peter and the Wolf?

    Or Britten’s The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra?

    Or Saint-Saen’s Carnival of the Animals.

    Is that what you were looking for?


    Another vote for Elizabeth Mitchell here!  Also, we have her station on Pandora, so that introduces us to lots of music in the same style (and if something comes up I don’t like, I just give it a thumbs down).

    We also do a lot of Broadway show music, age appropriate. 

    And mine really like listening to whatever classical composer we’ve selected for the term, while they play.  Currently Haydn. 


    Babaloo has performed at our library and the kids and grown-ups loved him. We have 2 of his cds. He is working on a 3rd one. We like the 2nd cd best and it has more story songs. One of the songs on the 1st cd is a little spooky and scared my dd6 so we skip it. It is high-energy, silly at times, and fun. The kids can relate to it. But really I am not sure if it is twaddle or not.

    We also like many of the Putumayo Kids playground and dreamland titles.

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