non-twaddly music CDs for preschoolers?

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  • caedmyn

    Hopefully that makes sense…I’m looking for some music CDs (lyrics, not just instrumental) for preschoolers that are not mind-numbing like Veggie Tales. I can’t handle much listening to Veggie Tales songs and that’s all we have for young kids. Any suggestions?


    Well, our kids have always just listened to whatever Daddy and I listen to. And we listen to a vast array of artists and styles…everything from classical Beethoven and Mozart to Christian hymns and praise music to older secular music like the Beatles to newer stuff like Pink and Mumford & Sons. (Hope that’s ok to admit on here!) My husband is the worship pastor at our church, so we listen to a lot of worship music, especially when he’s scouting new songs for our church. We like it all, and consequently, our kids do too. (Of course, we do not listen to songs that are promiscuous, have curse words, etc.) 

    You don’t have to have music with children singing on it for a child to enjoy it. Our son’s favorite bands are the Beatles and Switchfoot. If he’s listening to his iPod and it’s not to a Lamplighter Audio Theatre, you can bet he’s listening to one of those bands. Our dd likes mostly music by Kari Jobe.

    If you absolutely have to have a CD that’s just for kids, Songs4Worship is an oldie but a goodie. Also, this one is good, God’s Kids Worship.


    We love Seeds Of Worship! The songs are Buble verses put to song! It is great for memorization and they are adult enough that I can listen to them over and over in the car, unlike veggietales silly songs CD.

    When you order the CDs they send you 2 of each to share with a friend (or give as a gift!)


    Wee Sing and Cedarmont Kids are good for the toddler/preschool age and even early elementary.  They use children who sing well and use their beautiful singing voices.


    My nephew’s favorite at age 5 or so was Simon and Garfunkel. I could see that early Beatles stuff would appeal to them too. For classical we have enjoyed the Beethoven’s Wig CDs.



    We all enjoy Dan Zane in our house. It is a fun mix of styles


    We like Elizabeth Mitchell for folk songs – she sings traditional folk songs with banjo, guitar, and lots of clapping and rhythm that young ones like.

    If you like upbeat, pop-type music, you might try Go Fish or Phil Joel (former Newsboy)…they both make fun music with Biblical messages.

    Wee Sing Bible Songs, Patriotic songs. They can be a little cheesy, but they are basic songs every kid should hear and know by heart.

    Don’t forget to let them listen to classical, hymns, and worship cd’s that you enjoy! Don’t kid it down for them all the time :).


    Just remembered! My kids LOVE Newworldson. Don’t know why, exactly. It isn’t ‘kid music’. Maybe it is the ‘Sinatra-esque’ vibe? But they have all really connected with their music and worshipped to their videos since they were little. Here are a couple of their fave’s:

    Rend Collective Experience is another favorite ‘grown up’ group that kids like, too:


    How about Raffi, WEe Sing, normal nursery-rhyme-type songs, sound tracks to Julie Andrews musicals (Cinderella, Mary Poppins), soundtracks to other musicals (Singing in the Rain, Whitney Houston’s Cinderella, etc.).

    Is music related to current cultural things twaddle? I mean – fun Christmas songs, Spike Jones’ music (which poked fun at classical music (and at Hitler, Spike Jones was big in the 1940’s — very, very fun to listen to).  I enjoy all that stuff, so my girls hear it all. 



    I highly, HIGHLY recommend Rain for Roots: Big Stories for Little Ones.

    Confession: I listen to this when the kids aren’t in the car! I would call that non-twaddly. 😉

    Katrina in AK

    Songs for Saplings by Dana Dirkson has catchy tunes with scripture and references.


    Here is another recommendation for Elizabeth Mitchell, especially You are My Little Bird.

    But my favorite “children’s” album is Leave Your Sleep (2 CDs). Natalie Merchant has written delightful music for favorite children’s poems like “Bleezer’s Ice-Cream,” “The Blind Men and the Elephant,” “Adventures of Isabel,” and “The Land of Nod.” It’s a fun assortment of folk, jazz, and classical styles. You can listen to generous samples of each track, on the official website.


    I will look into those suggestions, thanks!  I forgot we do have a couple of the Wee Sing albums, so I’ll dig those out and see if he likes them.  I don’t really listen to anything myself…I can’t handle the competing noise of music and kids.


    My dd LOVES Mr. Bach Comes to Call from the classical kids collection. We also have Beethoven Lives Upstairs from the same collection, which she likes okay. The CD’s play the composers music in the background while a story is told about the composer’s life in a way that is interesting to kids (and adults). She also has loved the soundtrack to The Sound of Music.


    We’ve enjoyed The Singing Bible and Hide ‘Em in Your Heart.  We also have quite a few kid’s worship CD sets from the Christian bookstore.

    Wee Sing also has some fun CDs for that age…especially the fingerplay ones.

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