NON competive activities..

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  • Misty

    Ok.. it’s finally nice here and we are outside now a lot, doing everything, and anythiing. I was out today and we worked on some listening skills but mostly I want to find things that encourage eachother and get us moving.

    So we did a relay race and they loved it and some very good moving exercises. Anyone have anymore ideas to get everyone outside moving together WITHOUT there being a “winner”. Cause I have 5 boys who are very competive if left to there own devices.




    What do you have against competition? 🙂 You have all boys, right?


    It is hard; you want your boys to grow up to be men, but at the same time siblings come in decreasing sizes and so there really isn’t any ‘competition,’ it’s just that one takes a beating. We’ve often had to go through the conversation that says, “Of course you won, you’re two years older! If you’d lost, I’d have to wonder what was wrong.” Then, “Well, Who decided you would be born first?” Also, I’m looking at your sweet little one, Misty, and I imagine that you just need some times when ya’ll can just go out and play….peacefully.

    So, in that vein, how about hiking, geocaching (or the one that I can’t remember what it’s called but you do it without the gps), building rock walls (if you have them to spare), jumping rope (with dark colored ropes, not pink 🙂 ),umm….building anything, cutting down anything. When I’m paying attention, I try to alternate between play, exercise, and heavy work for getting us moving. Bike riding is good.

    You can also just have them compete against some other standard. I’m thinking of the Presidential Fitness Program. I’ve not looked at it in a long time, but I think they have goals based on age. That might be fun. With five boys maybe you could even qualify for a ‘group challenge’ 🙂 .




    Competition is ok.. but I just get so sick of hearing “he always wins” or “I am such a loser”. I have one that is very hard on himself and no matter what we say, just like the things mentioned it never seems to help. So I was just looking for more activities that would be less stressfull when I’m full handed with baby.

    I don’t think there is anything wrong with it, but it doesn’t have to be with everything we do. Does that make sence? I mean I can think of tons of ways to play and then in turn go through the because he’s older or because he’s just faster. But right now I’m really working on obediance so trying to keep from getting into other issues on top of that one. I think that makes sence? LOL I’m confusing myself.




    I am close enough to the days of holding the baby while settling a dispute about who won and who’s fastest, and who’s whatever-est, that you may perfect sense. 😆


    I’m right there with you having four boys of my own. One of mine is really hard on himself too so we try to find ways to bolster self-esteem.

    Obstacle course. Badminton – just whacking the birdie back and forth. My boys like to hit it up and down and see how many times they can keep it going on their own racquet. Frisbee. Either to each other or let them each have one and chuck it and run after their own. Digging big holes. I like the building anything idea. Blowing bubbles, especially good for the older boys to do so the little boys can run after them. Jump rope. Nature walks – just looking and enjoying nature. Nature treasure hunt – look for specific things either as a group or individually. Hide and seek. Kick the Can. Sometimes I hide things and they have to go find them or they hide it and everyone else has to find it. Kick soccer balls at a wall or at each other taking turns as goalie. Shoot basketball hoops without keeping score. Even my 2-yr-old is happy doing this as long as he has his own ball. Dig in the sand or the dirt. Hide things in a big sand area and dig for it. Read outside. Draw outside. Play in the water either in the sprinkler or small pool or in big buckets, with or without toys. Have them build a city for their toys using all natural materials (whatever they can find outside). Tie it in with whatever you’re studying for history like Native American shelters or medieval castles.


    Ah. I see what you mean. I just haven’t experienced it. Apparently, neither of my boys is hard on himself. lol


    I thought I’d mention “Homeschool Family Fitness” by Bruce Whitney. There are competitive and non-competitive ideas alike. Our family loves it! This winter we wore out the chapter for the indoor fitness ideas – what fun!

    You can find it here

    or here

    Just a side note: There seem to be two different versions by the same author – not sure what the difference is.



    How about hackysack? The boys can play alone, in a pair, or in a group. There is no competition except to better your own skills. And, it’s cheap and quiet…and really cool! 🙂


    Thanks for all the idea’s I wrote them down and plan on doing them all throughout the summer. I knew you’d be able to help me.

    So we’ve made a lean-to in our yard out of stick and pine tree brush, we played kick the can and everyone loved that. We also build towers out of my recycled cans and bowled with them!


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