NON-CM High School History Options, any ideas?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History NON-CM High School History Options, any ideas?

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  • missceegee

    I love CM methods and philosophy, but…

    DS13 is in 8th grade using MOH3 this year with a class for high school credit and it’s going well for him. I’m looking at options for him for 9th-12th grade. He does not like to read, though he does read just fine. Until this year, he’s had only CM history studies w/ narrations. He prefers a textbook approach with graphic organizers, maps, worksheets, etc. and a few living books added in to lots of living books. I think that is weird, but his retention is there. It’s possible we may do the MOH again, but I’m looking at some other possibilities and am open to hear other ideas.

    I do NOT want to create my own thing. I’ve got one graduating this year, a year early, and then a 5th and a 2nd grader. Frankly, I’m in a season where I want a ready made plan.

    Things I’m looking at, but am unsure of:

    Have any of you used or seen any of these resources? Do you have others you might recommend? I know I’m asking about very non-cm curricula on a cm forum, but this is the only forum I’ve ever used, so I figured I’d start here anyway.

    Thanks in advance.



    Not sure if this would meet all of your requirements, but have you looked at Notgrass history?


    Alphabetika, I have. It’s a textbook option like MOH that would work fine for him I think, but I would love to find something even more appealing to him that is either research or video or a combo.

    Another I just found is Take a Stand by The Classical Historian.

    Participant has both world and US history options.

    The site is subscription-based, but they occasionally run membership specials.


    My 10th grade son is doing the Bob Jones American History. I have been reading it, too, and I like the perspective. For a textbook it has a conversational tone. Our pastor is teaching once/week supplementing the text. He has been recording podcasts—if you are interested I could ask if they may be shared. They are amazing. I have also been having him read living books on the side.


    Whatever you choose, I would not use a textbook that doesn’t align with your Christian beliefs.  History is one of those areas that has a strong bias one way or the other and he will be spending a lot of time in this textbook.


    I looked at Compass Classroom awhile back and it looked interesting.  They have several textbook/video combinations.  We might use their Economics course.

    My high schooler is using Beautiful Feet.  She doesn’t like historic fiction, so it seemed like a good fit.  For Early American history, they use mostly biographies and Genevieve Foster books.  There are some assigned research papers as well.  The Ancient guide uses the Streams of Civilization textbook for a portion of the readings.  This still may be too literary for your DS, but I discovered my DD just wants more factual books, so biographies are okay for her.


    Thanks for all those thoughts and ideas.  I’m going to look at each carefully.

    – I’ve been homeschooling for so long and have never heard of Schoolhouse Teachers! Did you know Michelle Miller has TruthQuest lessons up there? I’m curious if it’s narrowed down or if it’s the full program.  The full program overwhelms me currently.


    Just an FYI, the schoolhouse teachers TruthQuest is simply sections of the TQ books, not narrowed down. Too overwhelming for me even for my others. I looked at lots of the lesson plans, not quite the right fit for us, but I’m glad to have learned of this resource to share with friends.


    Notgrass History might be a good choice for you.

    Rachel White

    I wouldn’t say that Take a Stand is a textbook approach. He uses Patriot’s History of the United States and the Patriot’s History Reader. There’s a good bit of writing. But I would love my son to take it, but he’d balk at the writing.  I’ve read it can be tricky to implement yourself,  but if you have Mr. DrGree do it online, it’s real good.

    My son uses the books mentioned above on his own, with the Hillside videos, American Heritage, and two Great Courses’ courses, alongside.

    Speaking of Hillside, check out the free Hillside video lectures. Though your son may be too young?

    As it was explained to me, Take a Stand is Center for Lit applied to history.

    Oak Meadow has a good reputation, just keep in mind, it probably comes from the perspective that your typical high school would. But, you could supplement with teaching videos from Wallbuilders and then there would be balance.

    What about BJU World History and/or United States History?  Big River Academy also teaches courses using those texts if you want to outsource.

    There’s also Susan W. Bauer’s three book series for world history. There’s a class utilizing it with it’s study guide at Big River Academy, as well as Well Trained Academy which covers all three, or you could implement it yourself using all or parts of the study guide ( I’ve read from most people that they pick from all it’s parts). It’s a lot of reading (big books), but they are supposed to be fantastically conversational and an enjoyable read. I think American history is integrated. I think she’s working on the next one.

    I’m going to have my son do the Ancient World class at BRA next year in 11th, and then cover the remainder of world history his senior year.

    If I think of anything else,  I will chime back in; this was on the top of my head.




    Thanks for these ideas, ladies.  I’ll be looking at each more closely during the Christmas break.

    Rachel White


    The Potter’s School. It uses Ways of the World: A Brief Global History.

    The class is taught from a Christian perspective.

    I am rethinking now my choice for SWB’s class and have him take this instead,  because it would leave many centuries left which I would need to fill in. I wanted a British history specific course, and this would allow it.

    Rachel White

    A resource which uses a multi-media teaching style is Fundafunda Academy.

    They have a US History:

    The Potter’s School also has a US History course, too.


    We plan to try Biblioplan next year.  They have several choices for spines, etc.  as well as Cool Histories for different ages with writing assignments.

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