I’ve not seen them before Sara! They are beautiful! Paper dolls are just paper nomatter what the cardstock and they offer a good opportunity in teaching children special care. These are a bit dear in price but quality in make up. LOVE that they are printed in the USA. If they don’t take care, they get wreaked and get recycled. Harsh but helpful lesson for my children. Thank you for sharing the link!
After we cut them out, dds love to laminate and make a blank paper closet (sheet of paper laminated). Then they use double sided tape to dress and store clothes. We also keep each set seperate in baggies in one box for easy access and storage. We love paper dolls here. =)
Laminating is a good idea. Does it make them last longer? I have little ones who like to bend everything as though they’re regular dolls. I know it won’t prevent that, but will it at least help them hold up a little longer?
BTW, where can I get a laminator??? And how much do they cost?
These dolls look beautiful. They also have historical paper dolls by Dover on Amazon for $1.50 – $3.00 that I got. The dolls come with about 8-9 outfits.
Laminators can be found at any office supply store – I did get mine at Walmart for $25.00 about 4 years ago. It works great and you don’t have to pay a lot of money. I use it for school, church, and home.
Walmart sells 50 sheets of lamination for $13.47. Sams sells 200 sheets for $19.95. I prefer to buy it from lamination.com where they have a deal for buying 2 packages, getting 1 free. I get 300 sheets of lamination which lasts a long time. The quality is very good.
Something else my dds enjoy is designing and making their own paper dolls. One made a cowgirl complete with chaps, horse, dog, etc…she loves it. =)
I will have to look into a laminator. I can think of all sorts of things I could do with one of those (along with a whole lot of other things on my wish list LOL). That sounds fun making their own. I assume they draw and cut them out themselves, not on the computer?
Yes, they draw, color, cut out, laminate, and re-cut out their owm original design (this is my 11 &10 yo). Then they set up litttle worlds of paper dolls…I can’t even go in their room sometimes because I am disturbing the camping, sleeping, driving, whatever paper dolls. LOL
They can really go to town with these after listening to our read alouds. They will make the character…and then that character needs a new friend, pet, furniture, etc… It’s so fun to watch them!
Occasionally we find some free printables on the computer that they like. My big sisters and little sisters like these:
Oh, GREAT idea for narrations! LOL The kids love to play different things after reading our books – one day my 8yo found leaves, wet them, and then drew heiroglyphs on them! Coolest thing ever……
I am going to show this stuff to my kids. They will LOVE them! And I’m really going to work on getting that laminator……
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