No grammar for years 1-3 in new curriculum guide?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar No grammar for years 1-3 in new curriculum guide?


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  • Anonymous

    I want to make sure that I am understanding something correctly. Does the SCM curriculum guide not recommend any formal grammar until year 4?

    Is this a change from the old guide?

    I am totally fine with this – just wanted to make sure I am understanding correctly – I thought I might have read differently elsewhere.


    Grammar was not recommended by Charlotte Mason until older. It’s a bit abstract for young ones. It’s also a finite body of info and doesn’t need yearly repetition.


    Some use something gentle like English for the Thoughtful Child in young years, but I’ve not found it necessary.

    Alicia Hart

    Wonderful news! The more I dig into CM methods, the more free I am becoming.

    I did PLL and ILL with my older kids but as I have been planning this next school year, I started thinking how redundant they were. “Why am I doing these?”, I thought.

    Its like I was using those to fit our hs into the methods I was taught with…..

    Also, I am finding that it leaves more time for other CM subjects.

    For anyone else wondering about this topic….here is an article that is helpful:

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