No Foreign Lang…is that bad?

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  • amandajhilburn

    I am almost done planning what we will use this fall…I can’t seem to make a good decision about Latin curriculum or if I should buy Artistic Pursuits. These are my last two decisions to make and I would love some advice.

    I really do not need to spend more money and am wondering if it will cause any problems or set backs if we just skip foreign language next year. My kids will be in 3rd and 4th grades and our stab at introducing Spanish this year has not been very productive. I do want to begin Latin at some point, but is later okay? I have looked at Song School Latin, but it may be too young for my kids. I know nothing about Latin and will need something that teaches without depending on me at all!

    I also really, really like the looks of the Artistic Pursuits book 2 for grades 1-3. But, like I said I don’t want to spend so much on it….unless it is REALLY worth it. We have art supplies at home (easel, pastels, watercolors, etc) and my kids use them all at their leisure. I just thought that the book 2 looked so good for combining art instruction with artist study and picture study every week. If you have used this please give me your opinion. Would it be better than using pic study online, artist studies from library books, and drawing/painting at leisure?


    Ohhhhh….I just found this for free online!! I may use it instead of buying Artistic Pursuits! The grade 5 level is about American art and it would go along with our history in the fall!!

    Anyone else seen or used this?


    Amanda, thats great and I just sent a PM to you – which may help with the other issue.  Linda


    We do sign language. There are some neat videos at the library, Signing Time. Not sure if that qualifies, but they are learning a different language. I had two friends in school that were deaf, and it is nice to know! Until we get something for teaching spanish, we are learning signs. And we will continue with it too.



    Rachel White

    I don’t see any reason why you can’t skip language this year. They are young enough that starting the following year would be fine. If you’re a member of HSLDA, they have a “store” of used items being sold by other members. YOu may find the program of your choice, minus any worked in workbooks, on there.

    Do what’s best for your family and try not to worry about it.


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