Niece's birthday coming up again

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    OK, all moms of girls, I need more help.  My oldest niece will be turning 4 in a few weeks.  I need to find her some books!  We have already given her a complete Pooh, a complete Beatrix Potter, Flower Fairies, several volumes of poetry including A Child’s Garden of Poetry, and several Tasha Tudor illustrated books.  She’s not quite ready for Little House or Betsy-Tacy sets yet.  What do I need to get her?  I was reading Little House when I was four, and since then I’ve had no close contact with 4-year-old girls, Wink  Help!


    Oh, I think I forgot to mention we’d also bought her nearly all the Eric Carle books by now. 


    James Herriot Treasury For Children and Shirley Hughes books are favorites of our four year old. 


    Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy?


    Does it have to be books? If not, I know of an awesome “get started on handicrafts” for little girls that age that I REALLY want to get my dd. Well, it is sort of a book I guess. It’s a book/kit for getting started in sewing. No real needles, pre-punched holes for accuracy and already cut fabric pieces, BUT they actually get to make something REAL (which has become quite important to my littlest one who seems to only ever get to “practice” but never end up with a product atthe end!). I don’t know how to add a link in the forum on my iPad yet, so I will just tell you the exact name and if you are interested you can google it and it should bring it up easily enough. ; )

    Super Simple Sewing – by Klutz


    I recently checked out several Robert McCloskey books from the library and my kids age 5&3 loved every story and asked that I reread several of them.  Their favorites were “Make Way for Ducklings” and “Blueberries for Sal”….there is a collection of his stories called “Make Way for McCloskey” with some of the illustration in each book, but the illustrations were bigger in the single books….these books are recommended on the AO year 0 booklist.  I loved the books so much that I hope to either find them at a used bookstore or ask for them for gifts for dc as sometimes our relatives ask what to buy for our dc if they can’t think of anything to get.


    There are picture book versions of several chapters from Little House in the Big Woods, Farmer Boy, and Little House on the Prairie if you’re OK with stuff like that. Also, does she have Corduroy, Millions of Cats, or anything by Virginia Lee Burton?

    blue j

    An enthusiastic second of Robert McCloskey’s books. Blueberries for Sal has to be one of our family’s all time favorite books… such great memories of reading that with my kiddos. 

    How about David Wiesner’s books?  Tuesday and Flotsam are two books we enjoy very much, and it’s great for the young set since there are not words, only full page pictures, they can “read” (narrate the picture) to others.


    Complete Madeline or Curious George?  We have lots of Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka books and the Olivia the Pig books, great art and illustrations in those.  Katie in …. by James Mayhew great introduction to artists and London or the Laurence Anholt books about artists, particularly Degas and the Little Dancer but the others are wonderful too.

    As a mom of four girls, I will vouch for all of these as being attractive to girls but not disgustingly girly.  And next year onto Little House!


    Cynthia Rylant has lots of wonderful books. I recommend the Lighthouse series (books like the whale, the turtle, names like that) and the summer cousins.


    A few more to consider that my girls loved at that age are:

    James Herriot Treasury for Children

    Do You Know What I’ll Do? Charlotte Zolotow (especially if she has a little sibling) Be sure it’s the older one illustrated by Garth Williams, with the soft, beautiful illustrations, not the newer version

    The Quiltmaker’s Gift Jeff Brumbeau 

    Just Like Mama Beverly Lewis

    The Four Seasons of Brambly Hedge or any of the Brambly Hedge books by Jill Barklem

    Busy in the Garden (book of poems and rhymes) George Shannon

    The Orange Shoes Trinka Hakes Noble

    I Will Rejoice Karma Wilson

    First Delights Tasha Tudor

    Thunder Cake Patricia Polacco

    The Racketty Packetty House Frances Hodgson Burnett

    Hope this helps! 🙂



    If you think she would like Little House on the Prarie, there’s a set of “My First Little House” books which are excerpts of the original books. I normally wouldn’t have an abridged version of a book on our bookshelves, but I found these to be a delightful introduction to Little House on the Prarie for the younger set. We’re saving the traditional Little House series until she’s 6 or 7.

    My daughter also loves James Herriot’s Treasury for Children. I purchased it second-hand when she was about 4 1/2 and she rregularly chooses a story from there as one of her two bedtime stories. (She enjoys every single one of them.)

    Other favorites in our home include A New Coat for Anna, Blueberries for Sal, and Miss Rumphius.

    Whatever you pick, I’m sure it will be great! I would love it if one of our relatives made a conscious effort to choose good, quality literature for DD as a gift. 🙂

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