Next School Year!

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  • Jennifer Wood

    Prepairing for next school year. Just purchased books (I though looked good) for 1st grade. New to the Charlotte Mason way but have read several books on classical HS and Charlotte Mason HS. We’re going for SCM this year and hoping for the best. I have been home with the kids (now 5-4-2y) for the past 3 years and have been planning to HS since …. but next year will be the first year of actual curriculum. The plan is to finish lessons as we finish them and not nessisarily completing them on the day scheduled. Any suggestions for someone just starting out?


    Enjoy each day learning right along with them! It sounds like you have a wonderful plan for this age.




    Give everyone time to settle into new routines and then don’t be surprised when you need to change routines as little ones grow.


    My boys are 6yo and 3yo and we started a K year last fall with my oldest.

    I do just has you said, The plan is to finish lessons as we finish them and not nessisarily completing them on the day scheduled.  We just do the next lesson and I write in my calendar what we did that day.  

    My only other advice is short lessons and lots of outside play.  Also, I let my boys play between subjects (5-10 minutes).  My ds has a hard time sitting for 45-60 minutes straight.  

    Blessings on your upcoming year!


    We always have a chapter book going that I read aloud to the kids. Some years I read at bedtime. Right now we do our read-aloud in the morning.

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