NewbieOrganizer: Scrambled & Pharoah'sofAnc.Egypt type bks.,Lit.orHist.

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer NewbieOrganizer: Scrambled & Pharoah'sofAnc.Egypt type bks.,Lit.orHist.

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  • I was wondering how you would organize books such as this or

    1. The Story of Mankind

    2. Adam and His Kin

    3. Motel Mysteries

    4. Mara Daughter of the Nile

    5. Letters from Egypt

    6. The Story of the Ancient World by Helene Guerber

    Thank you so much for your help. It is taking a bit to organize? the organizer. Everything just seems all mumble jumble to me until I get a bigger picture of it all. after I have hit the schedule button, and then it seems that I’m editing so much as I go along. My brain seems so scrambled.

    Thank you



    I am in the same boat!  Looking forward to see the advice you receive!

    Rachel White

    Have you followed the previous steps of planning on paper? Sonya’s five step process that cover:

    The Big Picture

    Year Overview

    Term Schedule

    Weekly Schedule


    before putting into the Organizer. Without these steps being done, I couldn’t imagine using the Organizer efficiently and I’d be overwhelmed, too. I start putting things into the Org. after finshing the Weekly Schedule.

    Scroll down adn you can click on the individual blog segments for each step.


    I tried to put on paper and it took me so…long and I have a horrible time organizing things in my head. I thought it would do it for me. I have the planning book and DVD. I’m more visual though and get more out of the book than the DVD.
    Do you just plan per week or a whole month at a time or term? I know I can’t get ahead of myself that is for sure as days never seem that they are “alike” if you know what I mean. I also work part time 2 or 3 hrs. a day.  Our 2 girls are older at 13 and 15.
    I’m a person that has to take one day at a time. Plan?? Bigger picture? I don’t even plan a week ahead but I know I should. Year Overview? I tried to do all of this but got to overwhelmed with it all. I need tiny chunks and then I can’t organize it in my head. I have ADD I think or something similar. Not hyper thankfully and NOT a multi tasker at all. Idea’s? Is there any hope? Should I put this in the CM Organizer  the board/forum?

    Rachel White


    It does take a long time to put it on paper. I also have two children-12 and 11-and it takes me about 2 weeks to get the paperwork done adn then another few days to get it all entered into the Org.

    IMO, you can’t be flecible with your days until you know how many days it takes to get things done. I HS year-round for flexibilty. My husband is disabled and I have some challenges, so I have to work around his doctor’s appts. and unexpected health problems that can happen at anytime. I am so thankful that I do all the work on paper so that I don’t HAVE to think about it during the year. I just plan like normal and then do the best I can, letting the flexibility of the Org. work with my life.

    If I didn’t plan ahead, then I’d have to think and adjust way too much during stressful times, which would mean I’d get less done and not be as flexible. Does that make sense, what I’m trying to say? If I don’t schedule ahead, it’s too easy to let things slide. I can adapt as I go, but I ust have that foundational schedule to start (one that’s realistic, might I add, then there’s less adjusting).

    I do a BIg Picture every year top write down goals and resources and subjects I want to cover for theri school lives. Also, it helps me to look ahead to see the “big icture” and stay “on track” that way.

    I plan yearly for family and each child’s independent work. Then I plan the terms and then the weeks. After that, I just put my stuff in and the days I want them done. I have yet to figure out how to accomplish a successful daily schedule that I’m completely happy with. I just have a general idea of when I do our family subjects and when they need something, they either must wait or do another subject till I’m ready.

    The paperwork that is available for planning allows me to go from big to small, very gracefully. It gets you to those small chuncks. If I had to do all of this a week at a time, that’d be overhwhelming and very chaotic. The days aren’t alike because you haven’t planned them to be. You can work around your part time job by planning ahead. Then you’ll find that your days can be as alike or different as you design them to be – school wise that is.



    Thank you so much for taking the time to email me. I understand what you mean. I know it seems strange for people who don’t think like I do to not understand my head that can’t look ahead at all. When I make a menu, it is very basics and I keep with that over and over.  I might bring in one “extra” meal for variety ever so often. I don’t do well with change. When it comes…I’m all out of whack it seems. I have to be flexible so….I go to the other extreme and then that is where I stay because the Lord has plans that day in His house and I can’t seem to put it together what I have in “my” plans? I want to be strict and do the same thing everyday. My job I do the same thing everyday and I have gotten comfortable enough with it now that I know it by heart and do it well. I love that. That just doesn’t happen in a household it seems.

    I will get my book and DVD out again. I had it last year and tried to do it and gave up. I think I need to make baby steps and get help here. I think I have to many resources for one thing but it is so…hard to tell. This might be overwhelming me. It is hard to not use a really good resource when ALL of them are excellent.

    My heart goes out to you. Bless your heart for serving and honoring your husband in such a manner. The sacrifical love of a wife goes ever so deep.   Thank you for your help and encouragement

    Rachel White

    I’d like to add that I schedule different things on different days. Two days of science-Sun. and Mon- and four days of History-Mon thru Thurs. One day Folk Tales, Lit., two days, etc. Everything else, family and independent, gets placed within those days. How many days I do something is based upon the length of my term (13 weeks) and how many chapters there are in the book and whether I want it done in one term or stretched out over two or all three. Then, once I have how many days it’s going to take to finsh an item, I then just choose the days on which to do them.

    For ex: Swiss Family Robinson has 44 ch.; I am stretching it out over the 3 terms, so 44 divided by 3. To round evenly- 15 chap. in the first two terms and 14  in the  last. That means in 13 weeks, I should schedule two days a week for Lit. If I finish early, fine; but this allows me some flexiblity. If I miss a day or so during those 13 weeks, then I’m still fine because I have some leeway.

    I can give you some more examples on Sun. if you like. I could walk through a couple of your resources you gave using your term and weekly info. so you could see how it works.


    My schooling may be organized but my home is a wreck! The part I can’t get a handle on scheduling? My homemaking dutiesYell.


    Aw….I have this neat “system, website below, from the Messies people. I bought the Flipper for like 20.00 or so and worth every penny. I find it MUCH better than Fly Lady. I have a Wipe Off board and put it on the easel on our large easel. Forget those organizers in a book style. I had to permanent ink the board with categories etc. It is GREAT!

    Wow…you do Science on the weekend. I had Hist. 3 days a week and Sci. 2 days a week but I just don’t think it is enough and we aren’t following it at all. Everything is on a “board”. I have 3 boards…one for household, and then an table top child’s art stand with chalk on one side. Wipe Off side is the Lesson schedule and the other side I can see from my stove and it is the menu schedule and ingred. list. I’m SUPER visual. Books never helped.


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