Hello all! My name is Leah and I am the mom of two boys, Junah ( 16 monthes) and Easton who is a fresh four. NEVER thought I would HS but life has little surprises. Easton is on the Autism Spectrum, ( Sensory Seeking Sensory Proccessing Disorder and mild Aspergers.) and when I learned about what school would mean for him I started down a different path. My aunt who is more like a sister has really blessed me with so much wisdom. When I heard of her HS I wasn’t surprised but when I learned HOW they do it I thought it was crazy talk. ( they are relaxed learners guided with the CM approach.) As my boys grew I found more and more drawn to this approach. I am in the process of getting some books ( would LOVE your favs!) and starting to really take this on more full time then the few days here and there, We spend all day outside so what better time then now!? I am feeling very excited and overwhelmed. I wish more then anything that I had a local support here but I have not found one yet. ( any Little Rock families?….chirp chirp chirp….) There is a good chance that we are moving back to Atlanta in the next year though and I KNOW I will find more local fams then! ( we are military)
So that is why I am here, hope to find some fams like ours since we are in the major minority here. A little about ME, I am a passionate lady about all things natural ( NOCIRC, LLL, non vaxing, natural living family) We are gluten and casein free for e ( if you ask him if he can’t have it he will say we both can’t have it) Look forward to learning along with him and you ladies!