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  • Christine Kaiser

    Hello I don’t know if this is the right place to introduce myself. My name is Christine and I have 3 children 4,6,16. I want to start homeschooling next September and want to use CM. My oldest went to a Waldorf School the first 6 years but unfortunately we don’t have one were we live now and homeschooling never crossed my mind until a few month ago. I already did a lot of research on CM and still reading and learning about it. I am so grateful for this webite and the discussion forum!

    We live in Sierra Vista AZ, maybe someone else here is in our area? 


    Welcome Christine!

    I hope that you feel very welcomed here and are able to glean just what the Lord would have for you.





    Welcome Christine to this wonderful group – you will find answers to a lot of your questions here, and be sure to look at the whole site as there are a wealth of resources as well.  Blessings, Linda

    michelle l

    Hi.Smile I’m new here also.  We’re half way through our second year of homeschooling.  I am more and more drawn to CM methods.  So much of her writing resonates with me, and I find that it really seems to work with my children.  We have not gone entire with a CM approach yet, but do feel myself increasing drawn in that direction.  I look forward to learning from everyone here.  I’m very grateful for the wisdom Sonya and other CM homeschoolers have to offer.

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