We are moving to NY this weekend. This was a quick thing – husband lost his job but got this job within a week PTL!! I am moving from Alabama so I am a little overwhelmed with the whole “quick move” but this IHIP is the kicker. Would any of you New Yorkers like to share yours with me so I can get an idea of what they want.
AmyJane – not to add stress to your move, but NY is one of the most restrictive in terms of homeschool laws – if you’re not a member of HSLDA, please make it a priority to join. They can also help you make sure that you are meeting all of New York’s requirements in a timely manner – take advantage of their help and avoid lots of potential headaches. I’ll be praying for your transition – moving to the Northeast from the South should be… “interesting” (I moved there from the midwest!) Now back in the midwest and LOVED living in Jersey and still miss some things about it – mostly my amazing friends there!
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