New with some questions


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  • Renee

    I am still using the demo at this point and trying to figure things out!  I think I am getting the hang of it…I think;)  What am I not able to do with the demo that I would be able to do with a subscription?  Are there limitations?  One of my hesitations is that I am very visual and need everything in front of me, usually written first.  Has anyone like this been able to adapt to this?  I am realizing that most other organizational things (that are out there) are for the kids, but our weakest link is my own organization and I am adding my fourth child and my oldest is going into 7th (we are starting AO Yr5), so I need to refine all of this.  I have learned and used so much from this website Sonya!  I so appreciate everything you offer here!! 

    One of the things I was trying to do is start a schedule with books my son has already started.  How do I divide those for the next three weeks before our new term starts?  Am I not able to use divisions with the demo?  I will leave it there until I hear back to ask anymore to make sure I am understanding everthing correctly.  i am trying to work my way through the old posts. 

    Thank you!!



    I too am a very writing-oriented person. Once I discovered the Organizer, I’ll never go back to writing in a planner, erasing, erasing, erasing, and rewriting. It’s made my life so much easier and organized than ever before! You can use the divisions w/ the demo. Once you’ve added your resource, you just have to click on the small word [Go] next to the Add Divisions space. Then you can name your divisions whatever you want and schedule them. Hope that helps!

    Sonya Shafer

    That’s right. The demo is exactly the same as the subscription version. You have access to everything during your free 30 days.

    Did you find your son’s books in the Bookfinder or add them yourself?

    Jodie Apple

    I am a “writing” type person too and for some things I still have to use the ol’ paper and pencil, but for school planning I don’t intend on writing it ever again, the good Lord willing!! Laughing  I’m SO thankful for the organizer; a true blessing in our home.  Not only are the logistics of planning easier, but when we don’t get to something on the day it’s planned I don’t feel emotionally like we’re behind  as  I would with the written plan.  



    I did find the book in the bookfinder, it was George Washington’s World:).  So, correct me if I am mistaken, because GWW’s was already in there with different divisions (than how I am scheduling it at this time), I would have to add it again myself to get the divisions I want, is that right?  You can’t change divisions for books that are in there already, is that correct?  Or, I could use the divisions as they are and just hit worked on until we finish and put the page numbers in the notes?  I think I am catching on!  I think this is actually the first time in seven years of homeschooling that I actually have given myself time to figure something out before we actually start!!  Slow learner! 🙂 

    Thanks everyone for your encouragement!



    Also, along with those questions:)  If I don’t change the divisions (for instance to chapters instead of Parts as in GWW, then my Printed schedule won’t show the separate readings correct?  I just printed todays out and noticed that, how do you all handle that?

    Sonya Shafer

    You’re right. If you want to add the individual reading sections, you can add GWW as a new personal resource and give it the divisions you want. Whatever divisions you assign to it will show in the Daily Plan, one at a time.

    If you want to leave the divisions as they are (Parts), you can simply tell your child how far you want him to read each time. For example, you might add a Note to the assignment saying something like, “Read three pages today.” Then every time that resource is scheduled and shows on the Daily Plan, that note will print along with it. You can then simply check Worked On each day he reads, and Finished when he finishes a Part.

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