New with LOTS of questions

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  • terrylee66

    Hi, recently I attended a homeschool convention and was so excited about the Charlotte Mason approach I have started to revamp our year. We didn’t have a very good year, so I decided to start making changes. I changed our math, our english, our handwriting, our spelling and added a few things. We are behind so we are playing catch up. I am down to two students, we have five but two graduated public school (one is 24 and married, the other is 21 and she works out of the house for one of our elders at church cleaning his house and watching over his 90 year old mom)and our 17 year old just completed all of her graduation requirements, our first homeschool graduate, Praise God! The ages of our two students Tara is 12 and Billy is 9. Tara is more of a late 6th grade level and Billy is not too far behind her. Except in handwriting, lol!

    Anyway, I was really praying that we would be able to use a “box curriculum” that had is Bible based, but I just don’t know if a commitment to that kind of money for the next several years is something we want to do. So that is why I am here.

    Here is what we are doing currently and will do until September.

    Bible-Catherine Vos Bible Stories (we start new testament next week) And a character study workbook on obedience

    Read-a-loud- Currently Billy Sunday

    Spelling-Spelling Power and they are enjoying it

    Foreign Language-Rosetta Stone Spanish I – they beg to do this each day!

    Handwriting-Hymns in Prose (working nicely)

    Math-Singapore (just made this change two weeks ago and couldn’t be happier)

    Intermediate Language Lessons-by Emma Serle, this is a CM approach and I love this and so do they.

    Okay, so I know what I want to do for science. We have Exploring Creation with Astronomy that we barely touched this year. So the main question is History. I was looking at the Modules and thought I would start right at the beginning. Can someone tell me how they work? Do you get books to go with it? Is there a “spine” for this module? Any information would be appreciated. I have been reading about it, but am feeling overwhelmed. I know other curriculums have everything planned, I’m really not worried about that, I LOVE to plan. But I don’t know what I need. So please help!

    As a side note, I went to every session offered at my convention and loved all of Sonya’s teachings. Very inspiring!




    Welcome, Terry!  I also have a 12yo girl and 9yo boy.  I think Apologia is a great option for Science, that’s what we use.  Starting at the beg. of the Modules would work out very well, I think. We’re doing that next year when my eldest will be in 7th so we can do a 6 yr. cycle.  If you look at Module One in the free curriculum guide, it will say ‘family books’ and you could use those as spine material to read to your kids.  Then w/the grade designated history readers I just assign to my kids to read independently.  There aren’t a whole lot in Module One.  I haven’t done my planning yet, but I also supplement w/Truthquest History guides (biblical worldview commentary), and a few more of their books. TQ gives the commentary and huge booklist…SCM helps me to narrow the book choices!  If you end up wanting Bible, history, and geography all planned our for you, SCM sells a guide for $11.  HTH some:)  Blessings, Gina


    Terry, if you will look at the link and click on the different modules in the box, it will give more details of what you need.  Specifically, if you will download the sample, there are lesson plans laid out for you along with a Resources Needed page.  That page will tell all the needed and suggested resources for all ages.

    I love the SCM Modules.  They are great, and we have learned a lot.  My 12 and 10 yos are excited to start Ancient Greece.  We started last year with Ancient Egypt.  If you start them now, when they get to HS you can be in American History which might make it easier for you to have high school history credits met for college bound students.



    There is so much to read and look at! I am really up in the air on where to start. It seems like we have done a lot of Bible history and very little American History. We purchased a seperate Bible curriculum that we are very excited about and it was pricy. So I am thinking we may start with Module 5 instead of 1. Just because I think a lot of the other may be a bit repetitive. Is this a big “no no”?




    no, you can start the modules anywhere you want…. you probably want them to do in order from wherever you start (but even that is up to you….  CM did recommend doing history chronologically)


    IMO….I think if you are going to start with module 5 you should probably work your way backwards. This way if you are doing a timeline your kids will be able to see a continued connection in sequence.   Just my $0.02

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