New 'Watership Down' mini-series

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  • Rachel White

    To be aired in 2017:

    We’ll watch the classic 1978 version and this one for contrast/comparisons to the book.

    What about y’all?


    We’ve read the first book and one other in the series, but we’ve never seen the movie.  Does it stay fairly true to the book?  Is a lot left out?

    I am curious about the new televised version.  The article states they are bringing an “innovative interpretation” of the novel, and that could be good or bad.  I guess I’ll have to watch it and find out!

    Rachel White

    My son has read the book, not I; it’s on my dd’s reading list next year

    I only saw the movie when I was younger and I remembered it after all these years

    Yes, “innovative intepretation” gives one pause! However, it may not be a bad interpretation, so we’ll not jump to conclusions and analyze it after we see it

    But, based my positive memories of a movie, I recommend watching the classic ’78 version

    I have it on Audible, prepared to listen to it soon

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