New to SCM with high schooler

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  • Boldmama

    I need direction. I have rising 10th and riding 9th graders. During their late elementary/middle school years we studied Creation to the Greeks and Rome to the Reformation as well as Geography using MFW. This year we went off MFW and studied American History with Notgrass. I’d like to go back to a CM approach and am wondering if we start off with SCM Early Modern Times, then continue with Modern Times, and circle back to one of the previous time periods, will that be enough to award a high school credit for World History? There’s just not enough time left for my high schoolers to do all of the SCM blocks at a high school level.

    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Boldmama. Great question. I usually suggest that you award one-half credit American history and one-half credit World history for each of those studies. So if you complete all of the assigned reading, narrations, and geography work for both Early Modern and Modern, you should have enough time and work invested to count for a full credit of American and a full credit of World.

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