New to religion in high school – recommendations?

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    Hello all,
    We have always been Christians, but didn’t share much with our children about it. Well, things have changed for us in the past 3 years and we are ready to dive in.
    Most “beginner” resources are geared towards young elementary children. Does anyone have resources for introducing God to a high schooler? Just reading the Bible isn’t going to work for us.


    First of all, congratulations on deciding to disciple your children! That’s wonderful.

    Answers in Genesis has some books that might help you with a high schooler. Ken Ham’s book, “The Lie,” explains God as Creator at a high school level. “The 10 Minute Bible Journey” is an overview of Scripture written to the high school level.

    There is also, “Why Believe in God” by Daniel Hyde. “Why Believe the Bible” by John MacArthur. (Those aren’t from Answers in Genesis.)

    There are a lot of other resources available. If you told us what particular ideas you want to introduce, we could give more ideas. Do you want God as Creator? God’s character? The authority of Scripture? God’s existence? And is your child technical? Do you want simple explanations or serious defenses?




    Thank you so much for your reply, I will check the resources out that you recommended.
    It’s hard to explain what I’m looking for! Since she is in 11th grade this year, I want kind of a fast track to the “most important” aspects of the bible. I also need something that will help answer her questions like why we believe, why she should believe, how we know God is real, how to listen to God in your every day life, etc.
    Not too much to ask right? 😉


    Number one is you must read the Bible. There is no better place to learn about theology. In addition to a solid Bible reading plan you can add in extras.  God gave us all we need in His word, everything else is fluff.
    After Bible reading you could get something like What the Bible is All About for Kids. Its not terribly babyish and gives a nice basic overview of each book and how they tie together.  Know What You Believe and Know Why You Believe both by Paul Little are easy to read but packed. Experiencing God Student Edition is all about hearing God in everyday life. Answers in Genesis sells a series os “Answer” books that are great. Its a question and answer format so you dont have to read cover to cover just pick a topic here and there. If you dont need a particular history for your 11th grader this year you could use some of the above for a Bible class and do a seperate Church History or Missionary Biographies as a history/social studies credit. Or if she needs geography you could use missionary biographies tied in to the geography she studies. Stories of real christians living out their faith can be powerful, much doctrine can seep onto the life of story of a strong believer. We also really enjoy Journey Everyday, its an online reading plan with extra study help videos. They go through the entire Bible in 18 months I think.

    Good luck finding a solid plan for your family.


    I’d probably start with Answers in Genesis “Foundations” series. They also have “How Do We Know the Bible is True?” The “10 Minute Bible Curriculum Pack” would cover the overview of the story of Scripture and redemption.


    “Firm Foundations: Creation to Christ” is also an incredible resource to cover Scripture in one course and point out the message of redemption all the way through the Bible.


    My friend was sharing about two books by Natasha Crain the other day, so I peeked online at Amazon to see.  They might be what you’re looking for.  Check out some of the reviews on Amazon and the preview.  I saw they are available on HooplaDigital too.

    Talking with Your Kids About God –

    Talking to Your Kids About Jesus –

    I also highly recommend missionary stories.  We have loved the ones by Geoff & Janet Benge – Christian Heroes Then & Now series.  They are very engaging for the entire family and span the ages well.

    Hope this is helpful to you! 🙂


    Dennis Prager’s new series on the first five books of Moses is excellent. It is a deep dive, but written very simply.

    Mary Beth

    My husband — a pastor/theologian — just made a list for my 14yo daughter’s high school years, so I’ll share a few of those.

    On Guard for Students: A Thinker’s Guide to the Christian Faith, by William Lane Craig

    The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel

    The Reason for God, by Tim Keller

    Basic Christianity, by John Stott

    Mere Christianity, by C. S. Lewis

    Knowing God, by J. I. Packer

    Can Science Explain Everything? by John Lennox


    And I agree with CrystalN, that nothing will be more valuable than reading the Bible itself, along with some commentaries to help understand it. Here are some resources:

    How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart – I consider this a must-read for new Bible students.

    How to Read the Bible Book by Book, also by Fee and Stuart (book-specific background commentary)

    Here’s a book that my husband also chose for my kids, but we haven’t uses it yet (there’s also a video teaching series): We’re big fans of the author:


    Here’s a website with excellent short videos on Biblical themes and topics. So enjoyable to watch!


    I hope that helps, and best wishes as you embark on this exciting journey with your daughter!

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