New to homeschooling and to CM. Have 11 yo in 5th grade

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM New to homeschooling and to CM. Have 11 yo in 5th grade

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  • apsews

    I think he is excited again!

    First we did some copywork of The Lord’s Prayer(mainly because I wanted him to know it and his writing has been pitiful,lol)and his writing was actually legible.

    Then we did a math worksheet of subtracting and borrowing and I sat there with him in case he had any problems,he aced it and was very excited.

    Then we went on a walk behind our house in the field and wooded area. We both loved it and found some animal tracks that he drew a picture of so we can look them up to see what kind of animals they were. He is doing his drawing of what we seen now. He wants to go back tomorrow,YAY!!!

    Also I decided to encourage him that I would the grading for each subject like this. Please tell me if this is ok.

    Performance- 0 5 10 15 20

    Attitude- 0 5 10 15 20

    Effort- 0 5 10 15 20

    Timely- 0 5 10 15 20

    Penmanship- 0 5 10 15 20

    I wanted him to know that it isn’t all about just a score of problems.


    Oh, I like your grading scale and I think I will implement that in our home too.  The only thing I would be a little unsure about doing at this early stage, for me-ds is 7, is the timely grade.  I can just see my son trying to get his work done fast and getting sloppy and doing incorrect work as a result.  I think when my son is older and is more independent in his work will I add “Timely” back in.

    I’m glad your ds is already enjoying his home education experiance. 



    I’m not sure I’d have Penmanship in (except for copywork…) – but then I guess there wouldn’t be too much writing to do anyway…


    You’ve received great advice. I just wanted to say ‘welcome’ and I know you’ll find a CM education a refreshing experience for both you and your son. This forum is the best place I’ve found to hang out and chat with like-minded homeschoolers. Blessings on your new journey:) Gina


    Oh Ruth, I told him that it went both ways. If he tried to rush through it he would get a low grade and if he was just sitting looking and not working at whatever it was then he would get a low grade. It must be an appropriate amount of time for the task.


    suzukimom, the reason I added penmanship is because his handwriting is very hard to even read and I know he can do better than that and I want him to try harder,lol. It really made a difference today so I know it is just laziness why it has been so bad.


    Thank you Gina,I already love this method even though I don’t know everything I need to know about it yet. I am so glad to have a place where experienced people are here to help. 🙂

    blue j

    Welcome!  So glad you found your way here. 🙂

    The only other thing that I would add to the above suggestions is a read aloud. Maybe The Great Turkey Walk, one of the Narnia series or Lord of the Rings series, etc.  Just sit together and enjoy each others company as you read aloud to him. 




    Thanks blue j, I actually did that today. Good to know I am on the right track,lol. He doesn’t enjoy reading and I am hoping if I read stories to him he will start to enjoy books.

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