Most of the time, each term I’ve just asked a question or two for each subject and had my girls narrate back what they remember. This past term, I recorded their history narration (3 questions total using Matt-Acts and Ancient Rome) and had dd9 copy down her narration to keep. I usually don’t do an exam for grammar, but did this past term, and asked dd9 to write a quotation and divided quotation (I wrote down her words and had her put in proper punctuation, then had her copy it). For Spanish I asked them to each count as high as they could starting with the youngest dd or tell me what color they are wearing. Map Drill I had them id each country we’d learned thus far. For Ancient Rome, I asked them to describe a place they could visit in ancient Rome. For art, tell me the artist we studied and describe your fave painting. I don’t do anything for math except review and we move on when we’re ready for a new concept.
I try to remember to jot down questions for science that I want them to remember most, so by exams I remember what to ask I’m trying to do more questions then I used to. I figure they did so well the first time we narrated, they’ll remember in a few weeks.
I hope I’ve answered your questions thoroughly! I’ve figured this is my weak area, so trying research more of what others do as well!