New to CM…starting a 9th grader, + 8th, 6th and 1st

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM New to CM…starting a 9th grader, + 8th, 6th and 1st

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  • Jenielle

    Hello, my name is Jenielle.  This is our second round of homeschooling.  I homeschooled about 4 years ago.  We schooled basically school at home, which is why it didn’t work.  My kids have been in both public and private school.  I pulled the kids out in January and we have been homeschooling since then.  Traditional school just doesn’t appeal to my children.  I have been talking with a friend about CM methods.  I believe it will work great for all of the my kids, because they all LOVE to read!  I have read the book by Catherine Levison and the book by Karen Andreola about Charlotte Mason methods.  I have been trying desperately to find something that would bring the desire to learn back to my older children.  We will be starting 1st grade, 6th grade, 8th grade and 9th grade.  I am not so concerned about missing things with my youngest two children.  I am a little concerned about my soon to be high schooler and my 8th grader. 

    I think that I am mostly concerned, because I have no experience with CM and I don’t want to mess things up for my oldest two.  When they were in the private school, they were in a joint classroom and basically doing the same subjects…so that is what we have continued since they have been home. 

    I am planning to use Early American and World History, A Literature Approach this first year with all of the kids.  I got guides for each of their ages.  I just recently ordered Algebra I Saxon math with the DVDs.  I was planning to start this summer with Nature Studies.  I have been reading a ton about that and have purchased some great resources from Ebay.  From everything that I have read, I think that I need to do another science with my oldest two.  Is this a good assumption?  Maybe a lab science?  We tried to use the Apologia Science, but it was really dry for my kiddos.  

    Do I need to do some sort of writing program for the older two?  If so, does anyone have any good recommendations?  I feel like the pressure is on, but I really think this is what I wish we had been doing all along.  It will definitely suit my youngest children well.  I think it will be great for the other two also, but it is harder to change their ideas about what school should be.  My oldest daughter(9th grader) thinks that the only way to learn is a textbook, but yet that way doesn’t work well for her.  Now my son(8th grader) could learn from dirt.  He loves to learn, but he is not quite sure about all of this either.  

    We had an easy transition since January.  I haven’t been near as strenous as I probably should have been.  I was just trying to change their perception of school and learning.  I am hoping that these new changes will be a plus in the right direction.  I feel really good about all of this.  I just want to really thorough…and not leave anything out. 

    I am really nervous about the transcripts, but I have found quite a few very detailed informational transcripts.  I just don’t want to mess anything up.

    Any insight on any of this would be greatly appreciated and accepted.  Smile



    Hi Jenielle!  My dd is only 8 and we’ve homeschooled from the beginning, so I don’t really have any advice to share with you on your olders or on continuing to make the transition back home, but I did want to say “welcome to the board”.  Hopefully this will also give your post a boost back up, and maybe some more experienced moms will have a chance to answer some of your questions.

    May you find peace in your planning and joy in the upcoming months/school year,




    Thanks, for the welcome! 


    These are the things that I am planning to do for the upcoming year with my 8th grade DS and 9th grade DD.  

    Bible(not sure of the exact curriculum)  I would like to do some sort of church history study. 

    English/Composition(possibly Comprehensive Composition by Kathryn Stout)

            Spelling(possibly Natural Speller by Kathryn Stout)

            Simply Grammar-Karen Andreola

            Literature– Living Books, but not sure of the exact ones yet

            Poetry– Haven’t determined this yet.

            Latin-English from the roots up Volume 1—(possibly start this in July)

    History– Early American History & World History, A Literature Approach (Is this going to cause a problem doing this first for 9th grade??  History is not my thing….but I really want to learn more and when I was researching…I thought this would be the one to start with.) 

    Geography– (probably the Literature Approach one also- TBD)

    Science– Nature Studies w/ notebooks(start in June), Health of Human Body, (not sure about the lab science- I believe that I need to have one, but not sure from where or which one.  Is there is a reason to choose Biology over Physical Science??? )

    Art– I would like to study artists and their work from this time period…..not sure where to get this from.  I did get a book called Timetables in History….which has a wealth of info…but not the specifics.  I would also like to do some kind of creative Art, because they would enjoy that….not real sure about where to get info for this????

    Music–  I am hoping to get some of the same information about this from the book Timetables in History.

    Music Theory-  I have some musical background from college…which I was attending until this past fall.  I found a book for Music Theory for Kids called Keyboard Capers.  I am looking forward to teaching my kids from this.  We have also been using a DVD program called Piano for Life.  

    Math- Saxon Math Algebra I with the DIVE CD-Rom.  (I will probably start this right away, as soon as it arrives.) 

    Critical Thinking–  I am also planning to do purchase the Deductive Thinking Skills Mind Benders…to help my oldest two with critical thinking skills.

    Typing– I also have a typing program that I am going to have them continue using, until they master it. 

    Homemaking–  I am also planning to do some cooking/baking with both kids.  I am also planning to teach my daughters both to sew.

    I am hoping this list is thorough enough for a High Schooler’s load.  I just figured this might make it easier for someone to be able to say….that something is a good idea or not.  I am open for any suggestions.  I would rather hear it now, then down the road…when I wish that I had done it different.  












    My kids aren’t at this level yet….

    Just wanted to suggest another resource that is CM, that has a lot of high school stuff on it.

    There is a yahoo group with it as well, and the keeper of the site has given a lot of great advice to parents with kids going into high school…  



    Thanks, Suzuki!  I will check it out! 




    I just thought of something that I didn’t add.  I would like to do a foreign language.  I have had experience with Spanish, but was thinking that I would like to do French. 

    Does anyone have any recommendations on which is better to start with?  And which curriculum would you use for a wide age range?  My kids are in 1st grade(advanced for his age), 6th grade, 8th grade and 9th grade.

    I would like to do this with all of the kids.  We do have Muzzy(Spanish) and used that about 4 years ago, but we didn’t progress real far with it.  




    Just a suggestion…..if your budget allows…..before you make any decisions, you should take a look at the Simply Charlotte Mason All Day Seminar.  I think it would really help solidify in your mind the “how” of doing school the CM way.  I found it invaluable. 




    Thank you for the suggestion.  A friend of mine that told me about CM, also suggested that I get the Charlotte Mason All Day Seminar.  I was actually debating, but this is the 3rd time that it has been suggested.  So, I am thinking that I really need to do that.  Thanks again.   




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