New to CM…Geography question and a thank you!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Geography New to CM…Geography question and a thank you!


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  • Hi again,

    Okay..I am really wanting to do geography with my children. I am planning on getting the “A Child’s Geography” books when they are in print version. My question is this..I know CM says to study the people not just dry facts. Is there a list of recommended reading for studying the “people”? Also..what about using Geography Matters Trail Guide Books and Student Notebooks for the mapping skills and “dry facts” to use along w/ the living geography books, since I feel lost w/out some guidance in map skills etc.. I could use those books like a reference instead of dryly going through the Trail Guide books step by step?

    Thanks for your help again!

    By the way..I was talking to a friend of mine of the phone and ever since I have been wanting to know more about the CM approach there have been MANY, MANY people who have been willing to help me. You all are the nicest people, I want to thank you soo much! I told my friend…it is amamzing how you get a “feel” for people through forums and emails. You all have just been so helpful and so kind!!


    Wife to Clayton for 17 years

    Mother to dd13, dd12, ds10, dd7, dd4, ds2 and baby Josiah due in Feb.


    Hey Kim,

    It looks like Living Books, the curriculum you are considering, has geography included, starting with the fifth grade. As far a cultures go, we do a few things. My favorite resourses for that are Voice of the Martyrs, Material World, You Can Change the World, a decent map, and a regional cookbook. I am trying to also intersperse some travel DVDs, but our library is woefully short on quality ones. VOM and YCCTW gives us a prayer focus. Material World keeps us humble. We also try to look up places from whatever we’re reading and the younger ones are reading the Holling C. Holling books, maps in hand. We also do the ten-minute map drills Charlotte Mason recommends. I imagine the book search on this site would yield lots of good recommendations.

    I know that I am not the only one praying for you as you enter the last stretch (OH NO! NO PUN INTENDED!) of your pregnancy. We look forward to welcoming little Josiah!



    Thank you so much Cindy! Funny about the stretch thing….with this being number seven well…there has been LOTS of stretching..ha!


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