New to CM and SCM, am I doing enough for my 7th grader

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    I am wondering if I am doing enough for my 7th grader. We just started our 2008 school yr last month and I fell as if he is not being challenged enough. We are doing module 1 with the Genesis through Dueteronomy study guide, 106 days of creation studies, dictation, reading poetry, math (pre -alg, devotion, reading Children’s Story Bible, junior analytical grammar, latin (prima latina)(I realize this is way too easy so we are speeding through to buy the next level)and A childs geography; explore his earth.

    I am thinking of adding in logic, a writing program, and getting Apologia general science. What do you think? Will that be enough or should I be doing more. Oh and we are just starting our book of centuries and he will soon start his Discovering Doctrine book. Please give me your opinions, good or bad, I would really appreciate it.



    Hi Erin,

    It sounds like you are doing great! Is your son retaining information and enjoying learning? Is your perception that you are not doing enough yours or his?

    The only thing I might consider, if I were you, would be to either beef up the 106 Days or go for an older text, but only if he seems to be beyond what is there. Logic would be good, but I would add Nature Study as a priority above that. Writing programs could work if you think that’s where God would have you go, but it could just add a lot of work that is already being covered by his written narrations.

    One thing about switching to CM is that it can ‘feel’ like we’re not doing enough at first because it is a much more natural way to learn and the amount of busy work is reduced to zero. Therefore, we load up more and more until it becomes undoable. Just a caution. One rule of thumb would be to look at the curriculum guide on this site and see if you are touching on (or have a plan to touch on) the subjects listed for the grade your son is in. Then, if he is still thirsty for more, I’d let him select some topics to research to practice all the skills you are actively teaching him. Or, what I would really do would be to get him “Backyard Ballistics” and put him outside! 🙂





    I agree with Cindy, I don’t think you are far off the mark at all. I might consider looking into more science, as well, if he enjoys science. My own son who will be 7th grade this fall is doing Apologia General Science. Logic can be good especially if you keep it light–we will be using The Fallacy Detective this year.

    I’d wait on a “writing program” until he is writing narrations well and you feel he needs specific help on something. Is he also doing some literature selections?

    A rule of thumb for me is that my grade schoolers start out at maybe 2 hours of school a day, working up to about 3 to 4 hours. When junior high is begun, I up the work level a bit so they are continuing after lunch maybe twice a week. My high schooler I expect to work into the early afternoon every day.

    Don’t give him Backyard Ballistics until you warn the neighbors. LOL My sons surprised a neighbor out mowing one day–boy, was he surprised when a potato landed in his yard suddenly. LOL We love that book! “The Art of the Catapult” is very cool as well!

    If it helps, here is my 7th grader’s basic program for next year:

    Further Up and Further In (literature unit study on the Narnia books–not terribly CMish perhaps, but this particular child has been begging me on his knees to do this for years. 🙂


    Latin (we use Latin in the Christian Trivium)

    He has devotional books, reads his scriptures on his own, and also has readings weekly in history, (a Guerber book) geography (Kon Tiki), biography ( a couple of Leaders in Action bios)

    Apologia General Science


    Fine arts with the rest of the family

    He and older brother are doing Fallacy Detective together

    I’m probably forgetting a little thing or two but that is the basic program. 🙂

    Michelle D

    Betty Dickerson

    I have an almost 7th grader and what I would add is just more reading. I assign the children a book a day based on different topics, for example, Mon may be Historical, Tues–nature, Wed–lite, Thurs–Spiritual, etc… Then I choose books that I want them to read and that I think they would love. That way, they are getting extra learning in these topics and are reading. This has worked great for us. This with our read alouds that I have going with them (we all read from the same focus each day), they are getting alot of information in a painless way. We also look up any locations from our reading on the globe (geography!).

    Instead of adding programs, I’ve just added books. This is easier on me the mom and I think it also accomplishes the end goal that I have for my children and that is to be independent learners. I do ask for an oral narration after their readings. Sometimes they read to a sibling.

    For history, we are doing Truthquest history and I read aloud to my 3 oldest. They also read about the same time period during the week in another book that I’ve chosen for them.

    I just couldn’t keep up with doing so many different programs, because ultimately these programs rely heavily on the mother. We tend to focus on history with a Biblical world view and this has sparked so many incredible discussions between us all. We do alot of nature reading and nature outings so that is getting covered in this way. But I do know some families who’s focus is science so they do a more complicated science program all together and that is their “family focus”.

    I think I’m rambling now. I guess you get the picture.




    Thankyou ladies for your opinions. I really appreciate them. My son actually is a huge reader and reads for at leeast 3 hrs a day. He is also a history fanatic and watches the history channel quite a bit. He probably shouldn’t watch it as much as I let him, but I have to honestly say that he has learned a lot from the History Channel. I just ordered a 2 logic programs for him to try (used) and I am for sure going to order Apologia general science. I am also thinking about ordering Harmony Fine Arts for him and my other children. Does anyone have any knowledge of this program? I also have to admit that he does not do too many written narrations, just verbal. I am definitely going to have to start that with him. He just retains so much info that when I do have him write about a book, something I read, or something on the history channel, it takes him pages to give me all of the information (or even half of it). And that for him is overwhelming as he has so much to say that it takes forever to write it all down. Sorry for the long essay, jsut trying to make sure that I am doing to best for him. Thanks so much ladies for all of your advice, I really do follow it.

    God Bless you all!!


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