New to CM and Homeschooling seeking a group!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM New to CM and Homeschooling seeking a group!

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  • ThereasaK

    Hello, I am a new homeschool mom as well as new to the CM method. I have three girls 3,4 and 6.  I live near Atlanta, Georgia and I am seeking someone else who is implementing the CM method to visually see a day in action and/or possibly plan outings for nature walks, ect with. Please help, I’m excited and nervous that I’m not doing things correctly. Especially, since my 3 year old is my wild card and is very difficult to have her work independently while I instruct the other two. Please help! 

     I have purchased the 106 Days of Creation, Genesis through Deut., All-Day Charlotte Mason Seminar, Jack’s Insects, Boy of the Pyramids, Planning your CM education as well as Laying Down the Rails.

    I completed the year plan and I am still working on the day to day schedule. I look forward to continue learn from all of you and hopefully will be able to meet some of you.

    Thank you, Thereasa

    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Thereasa. There are a couple of yahoo groups for CMers who live in Georgia. You might connect with those to get more possibilities. I know of some CMers here in the Atlanta area. Which area are you in? (If you’re not comfortable posting that personal detail online, feel free to PM me instead. Smile )


    Hi, ThereasaK-  I hope you’ve had a chance to look into the groups that Sonya suggested.  I don’t have any helpful advice for you, but just wanted to say hello and welcome (I’m very new here).  There is a lot to learn just by reading past posts on different topics.  Take care –  🙂


    Thank you Abbaschild for your warm greeting! I do appreciate the welcome!


    SCM Team, I am in the Loganville, GA area.  Are there any groups in this area? Thanks for your assistance!

    Hi Thereasa

    Welcome to this warm and wonderful group – I just want to wish you all the very best as you start the best journey you will ever have – homeschooling.  You have a great start planned with all of Sonya’s wonderful resources.  Enjoy every minute, even the frustrating ones, as they will pass and the good memories will last for ever.  Blessings, Linda

    Sonya Shafer

    Thereasa, you should join us at Borders at the Mall of Georgia for our monthly meeting. You can meet a lot of CMers there and find out about any local groups. Next meeting is Sept. 8 at 7:30pm.


    Oooh, I am jealous. You can actually go to a meeting with Sonya, monthly. I would SO love to find any like minded moms out here, but for now I am learning a lot from my ‘virtual’ support group. Thanks SO much all of you

    Heidi S

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