Hi, I am new to Charlotte Mason. I have been reading a little about her methods of education and recently attended a workshop about this way of schooling and both my husband and I felt so inspired by it. I am considering SCM and must say at first it seemed confusing but as I dig in deeper and really look at the website more it is making a little more sense. My daughter is 8 going into 3rd grade. We did Sonlight for Kindergarten, then MFW the past 2 years. I do have a question…is it really necessary to go in order with the History time periods and start from the beginning? I also have a 5 year old in Kindergarten this year. When they are younger do they seem to do pretty well in any time period? I have just looked at some of the Family books suggested for the first time period (Ancient Egypt) and wonder if some of the pictures, etc would be too scary for them. Anyway, any suggestions as we start 3rd grade with SCM would be greatly appreciated! Even if you have some MUST haves, things I should at least try or do that really worked for you when you got started. I know every family is different but I love to hear what works for others. And is the Orignal Homeschooling Series by Charlotte Mason a very hard read? I am wondering the best way to start off learning more about her methods. Thanks!
IMO You can start with any period of history you like.
The original books are a bit hard. It depends what you are used to. If you are very new to it I recommend starting with other books like For the Children’s Sake and A CM Companion. I do recommend reading CM herself eventually though. I think it is best to just start with vol 1. I know others day vol 6 but I think CM herself is actually struggling with a lot by vol 6( it’s after WWI) and the earlier volumes are a simpler presentation of her ideas.
Do any history period you want to, just go chronological. It would help to keep a family timeline as you go. At those ages, we really enjoyed Beautiful Feet Early American History. The next time, we used the SCM guide which includes world history and liked it too. Some of the books for family in the Ancients SCM guides are too difficult for under grade 3.