New to Charlotte Mason….


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  • Mum In Zion

    We observe the Biblical Sabbath too… the whole country of Israel does, so that makes it much easier for us to do it too 🙂  We also work for the Anglican Church, so our worship day is Sunday.  

    It can get quite confusing due to all the religious holidays for 3 major religions.  Just in the past 2 weeks we have had Palm Sunday/Holy Week/Easter weekend for the Traditional Churches (Catholic & Protestant) and then a repeat a week later for all the Orthodox Churches.  In the middle of that was the Jewish Passover (which we also celebrate).  Sometimes there is even a Muslim holiday as well, so you can see how complicated it can get 🙂

    But it is all a great teaching tool for our children.  To live where so many of the major events of our faith took place is such an awesome priviledge and helps to put what we read in the Bible into perspective. It makes for very interesting field trips 🙂

    Blessings, Michelle

    You might like to know that Sally Clarkson’s new MomHeart conference will be heading to Australia soon. She’s is a CM style mom who is a wonderful speaker, and I think this conference is a spin off from her encouragement to Aussie moms to begin the same type thing.

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