New SCM shopping cart opinions needed

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  • Doug Smith

    We’re in the process of rebuilding the shopping cart software we use here on SCM and we’d like to get your opinions before finalizing it. The new cart will be simpler, cleaner, and more streamlined. We’re also moving away from PayPal as the primary way of taking payments.

    So here’s the question for all of you. If we take all of the common credit cards at checkout should we also offer PayPal as an option? Is PayPal important to any of you or could we just eliminate it altogether?

    Thanks for your help!


    I like Paypal.  Currency conversion is better for Canadians than credit cards.


    In general I only use paypal when other payment options are not available.  However, if SCM discontinues paypal, will we have to redo our organizer subscriptions?

    I don’t know how shopping carts work, but it seems to me that the more payment options the better, from a business perspective.

    Love the way SCM is always upgrading!  You guys are first class.


    Doug Smith

    @houseofchaos, I hadn’t thought about conversion rates. That’s good to know.

    @Gem, We treat our main product shopping cart and Organizer subscriptions separately so this won’t affect the Organizer at this time. Once this is done we’d like to offer more options for the Organizer too and maybe even bring the two carts together into one. But we’ll be sure to make any changes as painless as possible.


    Given the choice, I prefer the regular credit card option, not Paypal. But, that’s a minor issue for me and I’ll use either method.


    I should make more clear that it is also a minor issue for me – while I choose paypal last, I will use either method.  I also did not know that about conversions rates – I guess that would work either way, so I will have to remember that 😉


    As another Canadian, I would say that if possible I’d like to have Paypal available…  I think my Credit Cards charge me extra to buy in US currency, but Paypal it is just the conversion rate….

    I also have Paypal setup so the money can come right from my bank account, or my credit card….

    And, a few years ago we didn’t have any credit cards at all, but we did have paypal.

    That said, if it is going to be too expensive to have Paypal available still, if I wanted something I would use the credit card….


    I personally like paypal, but I am open to credit card use too…..I’m flexible 😉 I will say that it is much easier for me to just click on paypal than to get up, get out my purse, dig to find my wallet, type in the card number, etc…..

    I just like paypal Laughing

    Doug Smith

    PayPal isn’t much expense or hassle for us to keep as an option. The only reason we thought about skipping it is because their rules require us to put their huge, bright orange button on all of our cart and checkout screens. It overwhelms the other things on the screen so much that we’re afraid it will confuse customers into thinking that PayPal is the only way to check out.

    We’ve had complaints with our current system from those who just want to check out with a normal credit card not realizing they don’t have to create a PayPal account. PayPal is very aggressive in showing their large sign up button and being subtle with the other smaller options. So we just want to avoid that kind of confusion.

    I’m so glad I asked for feedback because I see there is good reason to keep a PayPal option. I’ll work on a way to offer it but also avoid confusion.


    Doug, I always keep my pictures off exactly because of that kind of thing (and others….).  I didn’t realize the button was so overwhelming!  Like suzukimom, I would gladly use my credit card if Paypal wasn’t available.  I’m almost tempted to use it anyways, now that I know Paypal likes to bully people online… 




    I will use either, but always choose credit card as my first choice. I do the majority of my shopping online, so I’ve memorized that number and it’s no extra hassle for me. Maybe that means I shop online too much, LOL. 



    I prefer paypal myself.  Much of (small) amount of money I earn is automatically entered into my paypal account for my homeschool purchases.  It also is easy to pay for things so I dont have to go find my CC.  That being said, it wouldnt be the end of the world if you didnt have paypal 🙂

    Kelly Bond

    Not sure if you need more opinions or not, but I also like paypal for ease of use and all the other reasons mentioned. However, your products are so good that I’d use a regular credit card, if that was my only option.

    I am happy to go either way -so whatever the majority wants and you are all happy with, is fine with me.  Linda

    I always use paypal over a credit card option.  We’ve had our card numbers stolen before and in 5 years we have never had and issue with paypal. 

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