New laws passed in MN

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  • Misty

    I am so excited that some of the new laws have passed in MN.  We no longer have to send in silly report cards quarterly if we are not a degreed parent.  This seams so crazy for the younger ages as it’s all just tossed aside no one really looked at them. Also we only have to file shot records 2 time instead of yearly.  And a couple other things were changed to cut out on useless paperwork.  No more supertendents asking to see our school curriculmn if they want.  Or suprise visists (though I have never known anyone who had this done)

    I just wanted to share.  I know some states are really strict with home schoolers but MN has really been a good state and it just got easier!  Happy dance!  misty

    That’s awesome! Less paperwork is always good! 🙂


    We will be moving to MN soon (hopefully this year yet) and this eases my anxiety a bit.  Compared to Kansas, Minnesota has seemed strict and a bit overwhelming.  

    Thanks for sharing Misty!


    Sara B.

    As a fellow Minnesotan, I am happy-dancing, too!  The one thing I am a little confused with is the reporting for subsequent years.  If I filed for my 8yo last year when she was 7, do I have to file again this year, or only report changes?  I know I have to file for my 7yo this year (the one that just turned 7 last week).  I have to look into that one a little more.  Hey, if the law isn’t clear, and I don’t file for my oldest, that’s why I have HSLDA…..  LOL

    Sara B.

    Heather, where are you moving to?  I’ve grew up here, then left for college in WI, and finally moved back with my dh and kids early last year.  So glad we are back!  Laughing  If you’re anywhere nearby, we’ll have to meet up!


    We are moving to the Dodge Center area (between Owatonna and Rochester) where my husband’s family farms.



    Don’t quote me but I believe it only means “change” to last year.  So I also being my son turned 7 in Feb will have to add him but otherwise we are done.  Yeppie, welcome (soon) to MN! 

    Sara B.

    Heather, my brother lives about a half hour west of Rochester, and we are about an hour north of Owatonna.  Not TOO far….  😉  Hope you can get moved and settled soon!


    Congrats.  It’s nice to see freedoms won instead of lost for a change.

    Sara B.

    FYI, just read the actual wording in the bill from the MACHE website.  Looks like we will have to submit something in writing that we are continuing to homeschool those previously registered, but only provide more info than that if something has changed from the year before, as follows:

    3.8 (b) The person in charge of providing instruction to a child between the ages of
    3.9 seven and 16 must submit, by October 1 of each school year, a letter of intent to continue
    3.10 to provide instruction under this section for all students under the person’s supervision and
    3.11 any changes to the information required in paragraph (a) for each student.

    Here’s the link to MACHE’s info:

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