@Titus2mama, you can take your spines with you to any office supply store (Staples, FedEx) or any local printers and ask them to do that for you. It will cost you about $6.00 per book, but so worth the extra money! I’ve done it with all my teacher manuals or guides.
I orded Modules 1-3 last year and promptly took them to Office Max to have the bindings cut and a coils put in. It is so much nicer that way. I have a magazine file that I keep all our ‘in use’ books and guides in and this way it is always already open to the page I need.
I have had at least 2 office supply stores say they would NOT cut off the spine and spiral bind them. It may have been the specific employee working there or the policy of that specific store though. And I can’t even remember which state is was (maybe different states).
Just for fun, I’m jumping on the spiral train! That’s one reason I like getting the ebook, is so I can print and bind it spiral. Then I can lay it flat and look at it with a free hand for my coffee 😉