New here…starting over with child beginning high school in fall.

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM New here…starting over with child beginning high school in fall.

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  • debonli

    Hi everyone,  I have been a homeschooler for at least 12 years.  My oldest graduates in a week and starts college in the fall.  My second daughter is starting high school next fall.  She has been using the Abeka program with DVD’s, but I have become dissatisfied with that program.  My desire is to be more involved with her.  She has language and social delays.  I hope that by being more hands on with her schooling we will build a closer bond and make some connections that would not be made with her otherwise. 


    My purpose in writing is to ask for advice!  Anyone with a similar experience?  My biggest fear is me.  I am my biggest speed bump.  I am afraid I will mess up big time and in the end, do more harm than good. 


    Having bared my soul, I am eagerly awaiting your responses!






    I am not in your position.  My oldest is almost 13 and she has seven younger siblings.  However I want to encourage you that you can do this!  I love that you want to connect with your daughter more and are willing to try new things in your homeschool to help that happen.  I would suggest that you get her on board with changes, introduce the new way each subject will be approached over the course of a week or so (not all on one day).  If there are areas where you can give her some choices then do so.  For example let her choose between two different science courses or choose her literature books for the year from a list you create.  Give her the chance to choose what time period you will study or if she wants to do some hands on projects to go along.



    Hi Debbie!  I can’t write with advice on your particular situation; my children are young, ages 4 to 11.   But I wanted to write to encourage to lay aside your feelings of “can I really do this?” and “could I be doing more harm than good?”   Although my children were much younger at the time, I certainly remember feeling this way about moving to a CM education, and yet, once I started it quickly became apparent that the CM works.  And (for me) it was so quickly evident to me that this was RIGHT for my children.  That it respected them, would nurture them and help them grow into amazing individuals. We are going into year four, and I still marvel at the results.

    You CAN do this!  You have already made an amazing discovery and taken proactive and courageous action in identifying that you were on a program that wasn’t working.  You’ve now found the CM way, and even better, the amazing resources here at SCM!   You have fantastic resources at your fingertips, an encouraging online environment here, and above all, you know your daughter, and love your daughter more than any teacher at the local high school ever could.  You have made the right choice; jump in here and give it a go.



    I have a dd who is halfway through her first year of high school.  I understand the nervousness.  However I quickly came to realize that if I stay consistent with the CM methods her hs years will be fine.  Schooling at home will bring a closer bond with your child and memories that will stay with her always.  Even something as simple as a nature walk will be a treasured memory for years to come.  Being an encouraging parent during these important years of her life will go far in the end.  Just let her know how much you enjoy spending this time with her.

    blue j

    Hi Debbie. I want to reassure you. I started using CM’s methods across the board when my second child / oldest daughter showed me it was absolutely necessary to make a change. I already dabbled off and on, here and there with CM’s methods, but didn’t really implement the until the above took place, things clicked in my head, and we all made a swich – I have 5 all together. That was 6 or 7 years ago when Bek was a sophomore or during the first semester of her junior year… can’t recall right now which it was. Either way, it was a big change even though we came from a living book background. I was really the one that was the biggest liability to our success, and my oldest dd STILL made huge leaps in understanding despite my fears, my failings, and bumblings. You will do some things very well, and other things you will grow to do well, or at least better. What you have in your favor is a desire to serve your child by stepping out of your comfort zone. Give yourself a chance, give yourself and your daughter grace, and give yourself and your daughter time – to adjust, contemplate, and blossom using a new way to learn.




    Thank you everyone, for the encouragement. I ordered the planner and DVD to get some structure and organization. I know that is the biggest issue for me. Winging it has never been my strong suit. Hope all of you have a great summer! I plan on being in touch.

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