New here, with Chronicles question.

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  • missceegee

    Heather, you bring up a very important point regarding our role as either offensive or defensive in the way that we parent our children. I’m not sure that I have given it much thought in those terms, but what you said is very true and I, too, have been guilty of being too defensive at times with the rearing of my children. I do want to protect them from the world and its ungodly influence. However, I don’t want to overprotect them thereby undermining the attractiveness of the gospel and the life changing power within. If they are to be effective witnesses for Christ, then they must believe in and take ownership of that “world-conquering power of the new birth” that your book mentions. I will have to look into this book as it sounds like an interesting and thought-provoking read.

    Tara, in regards to Lewis and his books, it is obvious that we must simply agree to disagree. You must do what you deem best for your family, same as the rest of us. May the Lord bless you and yours.

    I hope that perhaps this discussion has caused all of us to ponder over a few things. At the very least, we need to approach reviews with an eye toward the agenda of the reviewer and making sure that things are not taken out of context, realizing that as adults, we can discern for ourselves when leaning upon Him. More importantly, we can accept that as believers God has laid upon each of our hearts certain convictions that may not be laid upon the hearts of others and that as a result, we can agree to disagree amicably.




    sorry for double post

    Heather, I think you have made some wonderful and valid points, as parents my husband and I have not shielded our children as much as some do, for the exact reasons you mention.  Especially, as they got older, we have allowed them access to famous art, even though there may be some nudity, to fantasy books and the like, even Shakespeare has his witches – and we would not deny them his plays.  However, along with that access has come much prayer and discussion and we are confident as we can be, that when our daughters leave home, they will have the tools to discern good and bad.  I respect their views and I value their thoughts on things, and they sometimes disagree with me, but that in my own opinion is a healthy thing as well – I want them to be confident in themselves.  We will continue to enjoy Lewis, Tolkien, and others, but we would defend the right of others not to have it in their homes, as it is a personal thing.  My husband and I think that sending our daughters out completely innocent of this world we live in, would do them a great disservice and they should be as prepared as they can be, for whatever they will meet in the future, we will not always be here to shield them.   My husband and I have been happy with our decision, and we will continue to raise them in this manner.  However it is for each family to decide.  This particular post has raised many interesting issues, that we can all digest and think about – hence it is valuable. I appreciate all the viewpoints and on some things we may have to agree to differ, this being one of those things.  I have found it interesting and enlightening and appreciate having the forum to air opinions – I do not know for sure, but I am pretty certain, the people on this forum are of different ages, different religions or denominations and different outlooks – it is good to share and learn from others even if we do disagree – long may the discussions flourish, we can all grow in our own knowledge because of this.  Blessings to all – Linda


    I should probably quit posting:)  But my last message was in a hurry before church!  Just wanted to clarify that I don’t think the Keepers people are malicious, just that their comments sounded that way. Maybe I shouldn’t have used that word. I think their hearts are good.  I just think the tone and judgment about Lewis are not something people in leadership roles should espouse as fact when just opinion.  They are influencing others who trust them.

    Also, should have said Wheaton is considered by some to be the Harvard of Christian schools—don’t want to offend anyone, just trying to point out it was an academic school:)   Gina


    missingtheshire very well said! My thoughts exactly.


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