Choose one time period for history for everyone. Read aloud one book to everyone, then have picture books for younger kids and independent reads for the oldest. Choose one science for everyone, just expect more understanding of the oldest than the younger.
Each gets their own math, learns to read when they are ready, and has an independent reading list to work on one chapter at a time over the course of the year (literature – can be history or science related or not). Copywork for all, with oldest transitioning to prepared dictation when ready. Oral narration of anything they read or you read to them, with 1 written narration per week for the oldest.
Everyone enjoys picture study, composer study together. Scripture memory can be together. Decide if you want to include things like Plutarch or Shakespeare or not. Remember you don’t have to do every subject every day or every subject all year. We often do an artist (picture study) for 6 weeks, then a composer for 6 weeks, etc.
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