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  • I thought I would say hello.  I am new here. I do not have a lot of time to read and respond to posts, but I am enjoynig it so far.

    I have 5 children. Ages 7, 4, 2, and 10 month old twins. I enjoy sewing, reading and any type of sweets.  We are currently living in England, but should be back in the states by Christmas.  We have lived in England for 5 years now and love it. We do miss the states though.

    My oldest is currently in 2nd grade.  We love homeschooling and I always knew I would homeschool my kiddos.  I think we still have a lot to learn about homeschooling but are finally getting an idea of where we belong. I think this will be a good home for us to find inspiration and like minded moms to chat with.


    Welcome, thehauserfamily!

    How exciting to be an American living overseas…always has been one of my own dreams! Glad you joined us here at SCM. I’m sure you’re already figured out that this place is a wealth of love, information, and hope to us CMers. 

    My name is Lindsey. I have two kiddos, ds6 and dd5. This is our second full year of homeschooling, and we LOVE it! I also enjoy sewing, but don’t get to do it nearly as much as I would like (and sweets, and I have those all the time, hehehehe). 




    Glad to have you join us!

    Welcome to the group, I am from England now in the US living with husband and twin 18 year old daughters.  I miss home, like you do.  Where are you in England?  This is a great group, so hope you feel at home here.  Linda


    Yes, welcome.  I am relatively new here as well, but have found this forum a blessing and hope you do as well! I am also an American living overseas – although we are in Papua New Guinea where we my husband is involved in mission aviation work.  I find this forum a blessing because I don’t have much local homeschooling support as most of the rest of the mission/expat community around us send their kids to an International School for MKs, and I am kind of the oddball for choosing to homeschool even though I don’t “have” to.  I’ve also been blessed by the way I’ve seen people handle differing opinions and potentially controversial issues with gentleness and respect.   Anyhow, I would also include sewing (especially sweet little outfits for my girlies), reading, and sweets (especially chocolate!) on my list of favorites as well. =) I have 3 kiddos: dd5, ds2, and dd 6months.  We are just starting our homeschool journey ourselves since my oldest is just doing a very gentle K year this year, but it is a journey we are excited to be on.

    Many blessings!

    Nice to meet you all.  We are near Newmarket.

    We homeschooled K and sent him to a local British school for grade 1 and now we are homeschooling grade 2.  We had twins last November and knew between being pregnant (it was hard) and having 2 newborns that we could not keep uip with school properly. The British school here in town is very small and sweet. His teacher was just the sweetest. She really cared about him and that he had never been to school, also that we had a lot of changes in our home and she was just amazing!  i am so happy to have him back home now, but looking back I know it was right to send him for the year. Our only other choice was a DVD program and we would rather have him in a school with real people than watching a DVD all day!

    We used Abeka in the past and I know that it is not right for us.

    We lived near Newmarket and I know the area well.  My husband was stationed at Mildenhall and I am originally from Stratford on Avon – I am glad you had a good experience with the local school, some of them are very good, and I am happy that worked out.  Congrats on the twins, been there and done that – so I know the workload very well – I look back over the 18 years now and it has been a wonderful journey – I wish you the same.  So again welcome and enjoy the group.  Blessings, Linda


    Welcome, you’ll find this website a wonderful resource of love and encouragement!

    My name’s Christie and I have 4 kids – dd9, ds6, dd3, ds9 months. They’ve been home since birth, so we’ve been in school for a while now Wink. I run a CM support group/co-op of ~ 50 families here in FL. When I have a moment, I love to scrapbook (digitally now, woo-hoo for less mess), enjoy sweets and dream of someday learning to sew more than a button.




    Welcome! I’m pretty new here myself but have really enjoyed this forum a ton so far!

    I’m Alexis, and I live in Michigan with my two boys, 3 1/2 and 20 months. My father-in-law is from Liverpool. We went to the UK and stayed in Merseyside for a couple of weeks 2 1/2 years ago — had a lovely time!

    Alexis, where are you in Michigan – my hubby is from Traverse City – I love Michigan.  Linda

    We are currently at Lakenheath, but living on Feltwell. 

    It has been such a blesing to find this forum. I wish I had thought to investigate with google earlier.  I feel like I was living under a rock. I am still a bit overwhelmed and sometimes feel like we are going nowhere or that perhaps I need to be re-educated! But, in time I know it will all work out.

    Hi, you have lots of time, your children are all still young and you do not need to worry about rushing.  Sonya has wonderful products on her main page that she shares freely or for reasonable cost, and they have been a blessing to me. I can highly recommend Sonya’ Laying Down the Rails, Charlotte Mason Seminar on DVD and Planning your CM Education – they are all wonderful and really useful.  I did not plan CM well until I saw the planning ebook – then it all made sense.

    I know Feltwell very well, we used to visit the furniture store there and of course the 4th of July celebrations.  We had a house we owned in Beck Row while we were living there (we were there 6 years) and for the last year we lived on Lakenheath in the housing opposite the middle school.  We used to do our nature study at the park on Lakenheath, is it still there?  It is the one behind the aircraft display?  When we were there in the spring and summer there was always a pair of swans and some ducks and moorhens on the water, it made a great place for a CM nature study. 

    Also if you go to Thetford Forest, you can have some amazing nature walks – just don’t leave anything of value in the cars as they have a lot of car break-ins there – I know from personal experience!  If you have not been already, perhaps when time permits you could visit Sandringham the Queens home, they have a wonderul parkland surrounding the home, and not much further you can go to The Norfolk Lavender Farm and then onto the coast which has a rocky beach and you can find interesting rock pools.  Southwold is another nice seaside place not too far away with a nice little beach (by England’s standards – don’t start imagining Florida, lol) – we miss the outdoor activities that were really easy to do when we lived there – so I hope you find some pleasure there as well.

    Thanks for making me think of years gone by, those were happy, happy memories.  2 years at Rhein Main, 5 years at Ramstein and 6 years at Mildenhall, for my husband and I the girls spent 9 years in Europe, 3 in Germany and 6 in England-they were 14 when they came here – and they still miss what they consider home.  We were always busy, always had places to visit and things to do, I wish you the same happiness.  Linda

    Yes, the park is still there on Lakenheath. We have been to all of those places, in fact we were just at Sandringham this past weekend picking apples and the one before we were at Lakeford Lake nature reserve.  We will hopefully get to Thetford Forest before the rain comes and will likely get to bewilderwood this week.  The summer has been unsually long and beautiful this year and we are taking advantage of it and throwing other school work aside to spend time outside!

    We love Germany as well. My husband is German and was born and raised there. His step-father is in the military and that is how he got to the US and is now in the military  (well for 11 years now).    Most of his family lives near Mianz, but his Mom and step-dad live in Bavaria.  We tried to get Germany, but got England instead. We are so glad we did as we get to see here and still visit Germany due to family.  I don’t think we would get to see England if we were not living here.

    Thank you for the book recomendations. I had Laying Down the Rails on my list of “to read”.  Perhaps I will move it up on the list. I have way to many book on the list! I will look into and consider the others.

    I spent a lot of years in Germany in Gottingen a city near Hannover where my mother was born and where I still have many friends and relatives.  I love Germany and I miss it a great deal, I lived there from the age of 21 to 35 working and loved every second of it.  Mainz is another lovely city, I am glad you are having the opportunity to travel and do things like that – it is such a wonderful opportunity.  My husband just retired from the military after 24 years of active service with the Air Force, I will always have happy memories of those years that we shared in the Air Force, we saw and did so many things that are hard to do any other way.  Good luck with the schooling – I remember how slow the post was from the US to the base lol, thank goodness for e-books and things like that.  Linda


    Welcome thehouserfamily!  

    I am new too, and have not properly introduced myself either!  My name is Amy and I have 5 kids.  DD 12.5, DS 8.5, DD almost 6, DS 3, DS almost 2.  This is the start of my fourth year of homeschooling.  I am doing 7th grade with my oldest, 3rd grade with my oldest son, and Kindergarten with my second daughter.  i’ve always been interested in Charlotte Mason, but didn’t really know how to implement it.  In my prior years of homeschooling, I went with an all hands-on approach, but LOTs of living books via KONOS unit studies.  It was a blast, and we learned a TON, but after having a really tough year physically, spiritually, and especially financially, I was burned out and needed something different and slightly less demanding.    This site has been SOOO useful and encouraging for me!  This forum is awesome, and nearly every book of Sonya’s that’s not free is going on my Christmas list! 

    I did purchase the Planning Your Charlotte Mason Homeschool Education book by Sonya; what an amazing tool.  AND I’m a certified teacher!  I should know how to plan that way.  I just never really sat down and walked through the process so clearly!  Thanks, Sonya!  Can’t wait until I can afford to buy some (all Wink) your other books!

    Blessings in Christ, 

    Amy Webb, NJ

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