New free SCM e-book


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  • Doug Smith

    FYI, We just posted a new free e-book, A Thinking Love. The discussions about e-book readers here on the forum encouraged us to release this one in PDF, Kindle, and iPad (actually ePub for many devices) formats. We’re eager to hear how you like it.


    First, thank you for giving us so many free resources.

    I tried to click on the ePub from my iPad and it says Safari couldn’t load the file. What am I doing wrong?


    Thank you!  It looks great on the Kindle (with table of contents, and the little chapter markers!  The little details add so much!)

    Looking forward to reading it!


    I am also excited to read this new resource and I appreciate all of the wonderful free resources that you provide here!

    However, when I clicked on the ePub format for my iPad a message came up saying safari could not download this file. But I can read it on the PDF no problem so I might just start with that for now, just because I don’t want to wait, ; ).



    Yes, me too!  Hooray for a new resource from SCM!  And just in time for a road trip this weekend – something to read in the car. =)  The Kindle format looks great.  Thanks for being willing to do it that way since that it is my preferred method for reading ebooks anyhow.  Any chance that you will be able to make some of your other resources available in Kindle format?  I’m thinking particularly of the Module 1 handbook, and Boy of the Pyramids, and Outdoor Secrets since we plan to use those next year….and since we will be going back overseas it would cut down tremendously on shipping….=)


    Mum In Zion

    I have had no problems opening the ePub format on my iPad. It looks great. Thank you so much. I would also like to see some of your other resources in a format for iPad. Like Jen, we are overseas and ebooks are so easy to carry around as we travel 🙂


    Doug Smith

    @suzukimom, Thanks for noticing the little details. We’ve seen a lot of e-books that didn’t have a working table of contents and proper chapters and we didn’t want to offer other e-book formats until we knew how to get the quality where it should be.

    @Linabean, Unfortunately, the iPad doesn’t let you download a book directly from a Web page and load it into iBooks. It’s an odd omission that I hope gets fixed in a future software update.

    You have three options: 1. Download the book to your computer then drag it into iTunes and sync your iPad. 2. Download the book to your computer and e-mail to yourself. You can get it from the e-mail on your iPad just fine. 3. Install the GoodReader app on your iPad. Then you can download directly to GoodReader and easily move it from there to iBooks.

    @MamaSnow, We do want to bring many of our other books to Kindle and iPad. We’re using this free e-book as a test to see what adjustments we need to make and to judge the response. Some of the handbooks are difficult because they have so much information in sidebars on the page. E-book readers don’t have a concept of a sidebar so we’ll have to figure out how to deal with that. We’ll most likely do the easier books like Boy of the Pyramids, Jack’s Insects, and Outdoor Secrets first.


    Awesome!  Thank you so much!  I’m going to get the kindle format.

    I would love to see Jack’s Insects for the kindle. Smile


    Thank you for this epub format! I just clicked on epub and a screen came up asking me to ‘open in…’ and I chose the app (I use ibooks) and it opened right up. It looks freat! I’d love to see the pat ebooks come out in epub form as well. Some of those are hard to read in some places – because of formatting.

    Thanks again for all you do!


    Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

    I adore all of the SCM ebooks.  SCM releasing an ebook on this subject is so timely for me!

    Thank you, thank you!


    Doug Smith

    @dmccall3, Your post made me go back and check again and you can download the ePub directly from the iPad now. I hadn’t realized that Apple had fixed that problem. Once we changed the way we linked to the book to fix the initial problems everyone was having it all started working. That sure makes things easier.

    By the way, what were you referring to as “pat books”?


    Yay! Thanks so much for making this available for kindle! I much prefer to read it that way (on my kindle vs. on my computer). Like one of the other posters, I have been putting some of the SCM books on my kindle in pdf, but it is so much better this way.


    Downloaded my copy last night and looking forward to reading it. Thanks for all your hard work!!



    @Doug Smith – haha, sorry about that. I meant past books. *still* adjusting to typing on the ipad. Sigh…


    It worked, Doug, thanks!

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