Hi Everyone, I was thinking about ordering books for next year and noticed that there is a new Famous Men of Greece by John H. Haaren and A.B. Poland. Here’s the infomation:
ISBN-13: 9781144444189
Pub. Date: 02/28/2010
I am planning on using Joshua through Malachi and Ancient Greece and was wondering if I should purchase the new edition of the book or the one suggested in Josh-Mal? If I got the newer editon would it match up with the lessons in the curriculum? Please let me know what you think. Thanks.
The Famous Men of Greece recommended in the Joshua through Malachi & Ancient Greece handbook was originally written by Haaren and Poland, but then edited by Rob Shearer. I’m not sure how much editing he has done, so I’m afraid I can’t describe the differences between the two versions. I’ve noticed chapter numbers and “parts” added that were not in the original, but I don’t know what else Rob added or changed. I tried to give the chapter titles, as well as chapter numbers, in the lesson plans so those using a different version would be able to match things up more easily.
So short answer: I would think you could use the other version if you want to.