New, Excited, Terrified, Resolved :) a bit long sorry

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM New, Excited, Terrified, Resolved :) a bit long sorry

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  • rbevans

    Late one night about a month ago I was searching the internet for help. My five year old had lost the spark in her eyes.

    IT had been a rollercoaster ride for her up to this point. We started with a Montissori (crazy expensive).  She came home with mannerisms that were undesirable. on top of that bruises started to appear. that the teachers explainned as “scuffels” on the playground. so private investigation (yes I snooped) revealed she was being bullied. So after less than a semester we were otta there! 

     Next we tried a co-op.  She started to blossem once again.  Mamma and twin sisters (two at the time) were ran ragged trying to fullfill the point system and committments required to be part of the co-op. but that would have all been worth it.  The academic demands on Kinder students were insane!!  We were scrambling to compleat homework assignments, special projects and exams. Althogh she loved the friends she was making, she dreaded the “schoolwork”.  spark slowly faded.  one semester we were outta there!  

    I gave her a few weeks off, and regrouped.  We found Math U See and it was a hit!  next I ordered ABEKA LA program. (mistake) and mama proceeded to do “school” at home.   the novelty worked for a few months. After endless worksheets, dull flashcard drills, and boring readers.  the spark officially went out.  The only “school” related activity I could get a happily compliant student would be Math and Read alouds.   We finished all of the Phonics rules for Kinder as well as all the specal sounds and blends however it was NOT an enjoyable experience. Her reading baffels me. even though she can speed through all of the phonics she has had drilled through, when she reads a word often the rules go right out the window. and she proceeds to sound out every single letter. stopping if the word doesn’t make sense. going back to fix if its a special rule and then sounding out again. once she is happy with the sounding out she will repeat the word fluidly.  needless to say it is hard to read an entire sentence and comprehend what you just read if you must sound out every letter. stop. edit. and resound out and then fluidly read the word.  am I making sense? prob not lol

    I did not have the heart to make the child do any more worksheets. or drills or boring reading. so we have taken a break.  this brings us to my late night search.  I discovered SCM and AO and be still my heart my prayers have been heard!  I am ready for our “transition” and will propably bonbard you all with question after question. I feel like I know many of you already as I have silently read your question comments and support of each other this past month.

    told you this was long 🙂

    thank you SCM for all you do and thank you members for your support.

    Rachel Evans



    Welcome to the forum!  This forum is filled with wonderful ladies and is a wealth of information.  I have a two  ds 5yo and 2yo.  I will start a K year in the fall with my oldest and am so blessed to have found SCM.  Enjoy the journeySmile




    thank you Carolyn.

    We just celebrated her 6th.  I realize I made that mistake in my orig post.   hard to remember my baby is growing up.  I”m trying to decide if I should start the 1’st grade program including DR. or if I should use the rest of the “school year” for reading from the book list for 5’s and maybe dabble with Delightfull Readings.



    There is no harm in just letting her “de-roller coaster”.  Enjoy lots of outside play (if weather permits in your neck of  the woods), read books, play games, etc.  You know your child best and CM is such a gentle approach you both will find what works best.

    I would suggest you watch the video Sonya did on Delightful Reading if you have not done already.  I will be using DR in the fall with my ds.  I thought I would mention Delightful Handwriting since I will be using it as well in the fall.





    Sounds like you’re on the right track:)  What a blessing that you found CM so soon!  I wish I would have implemented more sooner.  I highly rec. reading CM’s original volumes…I’m just FINALLY getting to that and it’s so insightful.  I overstressed K….just try to relax, read, read., go outdoors….you dd will do great!  Blessings, Gina


    Welcome, Rachel! I am glad you found us. This site has been such a blessing and source of ideas and encouragement for the past year for me. I have grades 2 and K and my dd5 loves to read. She was ready sooner than my oldest child. I think it was from her tagging along with his lessons and she is advanced. You should go with her interest and ability. If you are wanting some kind of phonics still, I recommend Explode the Code, which Sonlight uses. Both of my kids use it and really like it. They go at their own pace.

    This is a great time for her to learn through play. Play store (math) or house or library (sorting/putting away), outside (nature/science) etc. You can get in lots of educational reading time by doing some in the day and some at bedtime. I recommend you read about habit training and get on the right track from the start. Here is one of the great free e-books on SCM: I have to re-read it from time to time to get us back on the right track. Laying Down the Rails book and dvd has more ideas along these lines.

    That is great advice to relax, read, read, go outdoors.

    Are there any local homeschool groups you can join? Is there a convention in your area that you could attend? These might help; although the conventions and vendor halls can be overwhelming.

    Welcome, and take a nice bit of time for a gradual transition…you have time, and it will make it much easier on you all in the long run. I know you will find this group a blessing….your children are lucky to have you care so much. Hope you find some peace here with us….Linda


    Abeka is one reason that my oldest was in public school for three years! Whew. We used Abeka when he was in K. My DS really didn’t like all the workbooks and it didnt’ end up being a fun learning experience.

    My oldest son is homeschooling now, and my second son is in K now and using CM methods makes a world of difference. We are having a fantastic year.

    Enjoy your planning time and welcome to the board!

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