New blog series called Busted: 31 Days of CM Myths


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  • sheraz

    I have been reading this series and thought that some of you might appreciate the topics covered. She is publishing a new post every day in October about various CM myths that are familiar to many of of us. =)


    Here is one from SCM archives that corroborates. Cool I like number 5…we live in Louisiana…Does swimming every single day count as outdoor play? Ha ha ha!

    This looks really interesting, sheraz — thank you for posting!

    ETA: Thank you, 5heartsathome, as well…I often forget about some of the great articles and series right here on our beloved SCM site.  <3


    HA! HA! HA!  LOVE THIS!  These are myths I’d like to see not only BUSTED but smashed to smithereens and then obliterated by bombs.  Vaporized.  🙂  I’ve been repeating these very things so many times for so long I may still be saying them in the nursing home . . . 


    Love it! I pinned it so maybe some of my skeptical family & friends will be curious enough to look at it. Haha! 😉


    Sheraz, thank you for sharing this. I have found much food for thought in several of the busted myths.

    Yesterday, I read Myth #4 about CM not being feasible for modern mothers who do not have Victorian servants, etc. What really spoke to me in that post was a quote from a mother in 1905 mentioning that “housework was to be done by ten,” and then she called the children in from the garden. Playing outdoors for a period of time before lessons! What a splendid idea! So I tried it. It is a great way to invigorate my children’s bodies and get some of those wiggles out that prevent them from giving full attention. Of course, I want to be outdoors playing before school too….

    Alicia Hart

    Yes! been following this too.  Love it!


    I have not read myth 4 yet but, I’m liking the sound of that idea too!!!  Perhaps I’ll try it tomorrow!


    You are welcome Mysterious 🙂 I love this website. I STAY in the Learning Llibrary constantly.

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