I am interested in starting this with my daughter next year, which will be 9th grade. She will be the only one doing this. We have used Sonlight since the 6th grade. She has completed The Eastern Hemisphere, World History part 1 and will finish World History part 2 this year. Where should we start?
Hi! I recognize you from the SL Forums. You only have four years left instead of 6 years for the 6 modules so you have a few ways to choose from. If you want to cover American History that would be in Modules 5 & 6 but then it also has world history too and you’ve already covered that. You might find that you can go through the modules quicker than one a year especially if you’re used to how fast SL goes through books. We started Module 3 in September and are already in Module 4. Or you could start in Module 1 and plan to go through them all more quickly. It all depends on what you want to accomplish in the next four years. I would look at the chart for the Curriculum Guide and compare modules. Also you can download the free samples and get a good feel for what is in each year.
Hi Sue, its good seeing a familiar name that has lots of experience. Thank you for responding.
I like the SCM concept, but I am having trouble understanding it all. I think if I can figure out where to start I can have more focused research.
I am considering leaving SL because I do not like the American History offerings. Dd also needs more geography, and I would like to do more with the books that we read. I have incorporated some notebooking in this year and I am pleased with that addition. I am also disappointed in their Bible program.
I looked at modules 1&2 and is seems to cover much of what we have already done with the same books that we have already read for her age group.
Is jumping into module 3 too difficult if your child is not already trained in SCM techniques? Could I get through modules 3-6 in 3years? Dd really wants to duel enroll her senior year, so I am not counting on having that year.
The history modules are designed so that you can jump in at any point. (and add in more children when they get old enough, where-ever the family is) – so no worries on that one.
There are a few options for doing the 4 modules in 3 years. I’m not experienced on that so can’t answer it too much – but some people have continued history in the summer, or have combined modules.
The history modules are designed so that you can jump in at any point. (and add in more children when they get old enough, where-ever the family is) – so no worries on that one.
There are a few options for doing the 4 modules in 3 years. I’m not experienced on that so can’t answer it too much – but some people have continued history in the summer, or have combined modules.
The more I look into this the more I think that I could combine SL’s History and Literature with these methods. We were planning to use SL’s History of Gods Kingdom next year. I that it should cover several of the first modules and then switch to using module 6 when we get there. SL seems to lend its self to this method very well. While using SCM for the bible portion and nature study. Am I understanding this correctly?
The CM methods can be used in a large variety of ways, and you can do a lot of tweaking to fit it to your needs. Another option that you can use is Beautiful Feet History, and from what I hear that doesn’t need a lot of tweaking.
If you choose to use SCM guides, you could do it as
9th – Mod 3 – Ancient Roman
10th – Mod 4 Middle Ages
11th – Mod 5 Early Modern World and American History 1550-1850 and
12th – Mod 6 Modern World and American History 1850- present.
9th – Mod 4 Middle Ages
10th – Mod 5 Early Modern World & American History 1550-1850
11th – Mod 6 Modern World and American History 1850 to present
12th – Dual Enrollment, so do a class on civics and government
And, of course as you are using this, the Bible and geography are already scheduled in for you. =) I use notebooking all the time with the SCM modules and love it. It really makes it come home to the kids, and I am not feeling any additional need to “make sure they got it”.
I admit that I do add a bit of stuff for geography in – if I can find a cool book or movie about the country or continent we read/watch that too. Mostly because I like the history stuff. lol
I am finding the more I use and trust CM methods I am not adding in as much as I originally thought I might be. The methods work.
I am still trying to get this all through my head. As I explore the web site, I find that I really like the approach.I am still not sure if we should continue to use SL or switch to the SCM guides.
Do the SCM modules and guides include Government and Economics for High Schoolers or do you have to add that in on your own? How do you put this on your transcript for High Schoolers since it is very intigrated?
I am not sure if you have seen this post, it may help with how to do the transcript. I know that there are other past threads that talk about this too.
I do not have high-school aged children, so I am making a collection of all the ideas and sites people refer us to on here. I know that Bookworm, Missingtheshire, CSMamma, Jen, HeidiS have teenagers and have discussed this. I also know that as their children progressed and became comfortable with CM methods, they increased the workload by adding additional reading material for their courses of study. Most of us have the booklists from Sonlight, Beautiful Feet, Ambleside Online, TruthQuest and others that we use to help bulk up the study if needed. Bookworm has recommended the book “What Shall We Then Read?” and Rachel has recommended the book “All Through the Ages” – both contain lists of books on many different topics.
I believe that you will have to find resources for Civics and Government. Using the Planning Your CM Education is very helpful, and might help you to pin point what your goals for your dd high school years are. Then, using that goal or those ideas – you start to formulate a plan that will have you moving steadily toward your goal. Very valuable book. =)
Perhaps one of them will be able to share how they do CM in high school and make their transcripts. Sorry I can’t be much more help!
Thank you the link was very helpful. I like the idea of learning being it’s own reward and not focusing on grades. I have a tendency to get way to caught up in grades if they are given. Currently, I do not give dd any grades since she is in 8th grade, but assumed that I had to next year. I ordered the Planning Your CM Education.
Planning Your CM Education is literally that – it walks you through the goals of your child’s education, what you want to teach, and when – we already assume the HOW is CM methods. So it does take some time, but the result of having a plan in place will help you be able to choose what you are doing curriculum wise. It is not a laid out thing like a Sonlight curriculum plan for a year. (Just in case you might have thought about that.) So it still won’t choose your curriculum, but you will be prepared to make those choices. =) I don’t have the DVD, but I suspect it would be helpful to listen to Sonya. She is so calming…in my panic moments she can bring me back to reality in such a pleasant way. lol
Please humor me with another question. This one is regarding written narration in high school. Do you have them do a written narration for every passage read? For example if they were to read chaps 1-3 on Mon and chaps 4-5 on Tuesday, would you have a written narration for both days? Or do you wait until the book is finished and they write a written narration for the entire book? If you wait how you do know that they are actually reading each day? I have one who will not do the reading if there is no immediate work involved. Where can I find an example of some high school written narrations?
I plan on having my dc do either written or oral on their readings when they do them. Also, some of it depends on the child, her abilities, and your trust in her. There are tons of other narrations ideas that you can use, and they could involve immediate work. Remember though to teach the child, not the curriculum. You just tweak it work for the child. I do not know where to get a HS written narration. Here are the narration ideas: http://simplycharlottemason.com/timesavers/narration/