I’ve been very excited about your new planner. I’m also trying to plan out my homeschool budget and spending. Is there any word on when the new planner will be ready? I want to make sure I plan for this purchase this month. Thanks so much!!!
Betty, I just called the printer to get the most recent estimated delivery date. He said it should be delivered by July 15.
And for all you faithful forum readers, a little sneak peek: it’s called “A Thinking Love” and is based on the first 41 pages of Volume 1, Home Education. 🙂
Hey Ladies, I’m not sure exactly what this year’s calendar is going to look like. It is more of a calendar for daily to do lists or appointments, etc. than it is a planner for school. However, if you go the main site and check out the link to A Year of Smooth and Easy Days there is a sample that you can still access. That way you can at least see what the last one was like.
The new one will look very similar in format to the 2009 Smooth and Easy Days calendar journal. The main differences will be that it will have articles and quotes on a different theme (A Thinking Love) and be thicker because it will contain 17 months (August 2009 – December 2010) instead of 12 months.