Ladies, I covet your prayers. My neighbor 2 doors down got robbed. She is a single mom who has not lived in her home for the past few wks. She no longer can afford the home and was in the process of living w/ some friends. She came home yesterday to find her stuff had been stolen.
Remember when I mentioned of having a rental house next door. Well, I saw them go over to her home last wk and go in. My kitchen window at the sink faces out towards their houses. Ya know as moms we are always in the kitchen!! I thought she had already moved so didn’t think anything of it except they were being nosey. I debated on whether or not I should tell her, but I knew it was the right thing to do. But I am scared of retaliation on telling that they went in her home. I don’t know if they are the ones who did anything. But obviously they had no business going in her home.
Tonight, she went to talk w/ them befoe coming here. He gave her a bunch of lies. Told her they are never at home in the daytime…which they are….and that we were moving too. Which we have not said that to them..sorry to say that we don’t know them!! So I told her I was nervous because of what they could do to us. Even knowing that we homeschool..they could bring something against us. She called the cops and they came. I had to tell them what I saw. Now I am fearful of our home and of other things that could happen!!! I shouldn’t be fearful, huh??
I told my hubby that I didn’t even want to go to church in the morning! How awful to feel this way. How awful to be scared in your own comfy home!
I just ask for your prayers..and should I have said anything at all?? Christian wise, it was the right thing to do!! So I know God would have wanted me too! I guess that is all I need to know!
Please take the fear out of 2flowerboys heart. Please protect her family and home. Thank You that You have hedged her in, behind and before. Help her to only fear You, the One who loves her more than she can imagine. Lord, You are in control.
I can understand your fears, But do not let it take over your life – make sure you have good locks on your home, make sure that you are alert and aware of what is going on around you and pray for safety for security. You did exactly the right thing – what you did should be commended. My house keys were stolen once and one night Ed had taken the girls out to get something, I was in the house alone. All of a sudden I heard a key in the door, and lots of jiggling noises, our dog went crazy – I almost opened the door as I thought Ed may have forgotten his key, but the dogs reaction was not right – so I called the cops and it was the drug addicts that had stolen my keys from my handbag wich had been snatched off my arm. Fortunately, we had immediately changed the locks, but I was shaken for a very long time – it really does a number on your sense of security, but eventualy you get back to peace….I will be praying for your safety and for you peace of mind. Remember, you did good. Hugs, Linda
It was frightening, but since that happened I have become much more aware of everything around me and our family – I am not paranoid, but make sure that I do my utmost to protect us especially as hubby used to be away so much. Sleep well, do not worry and remember, they are now on police radar, they know the police will look at them first if anything happens. Hugs and peace to your soul. Linda
Good for you going to church was right and I am glad…again even though I know it is easier said than done, do not worry – you have right and God on your side. Still praying, I testified in my stolen handbag case too and it is nervewracking – but somehow I felt better knowing that the right thing was done..The police have their sight fixed on these people now, and though nothing is 100% safe, you should feel that they have your back and God has everything. Hugs, Linda