Needing some advice about next year

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    Hello ladies, i’ve been lurking at SCM for a couple of years now and finally decided to post. I would really like some advice/opinions. We are using TOG and have used it for the last two years, I really enjoy this program and so does my DD. I’m thinking of switching for next year because we are ahead of the redesign in TOG (they are redoing to guides). I don’t want to purchase it this year and then repurchase it when we get to Modern history again in a few years. Anyway, I was thinking I could do AO and then go back to TOG for Ancients. What do you think? My kids will be 11, 10, 7 & K/1st grades when I would do this, i’m going to use AO year 0 with my Ker this year starting next week. I have to be honest that my curriculum budget is playing a part in my decision. Here’s what I was thinking we could use the Queen homeschool language lesson series for grammar, picture study, dictation/copywork and I could use AO for everything else. Does this sound doable? I’ve read/rereading “A CM Education”, “More CM Education,” and “A CM Companion.” I’m also planning to read vol. 6 of Charlotte’s series this summer to make sure I have a complete understanding of her teachings. I’m sorry this post is long and rambling, i’m having a hard time focusing my thoughts. I will continue to be in prayer over this and I thank you for any advice.



    Be careful 🙂 I know of lots of people who planned to do AO, then to go back to TOG, and never went back LOL. While much of the philosophy is the same, there is one major difference. The books in AO are read very slowly over at least 12 weeks. You do not read a book or 2 each week, but 7 or 8 books (minimum) for 12 weeks. I LOVE the savoring!

    Do you already use the Queen books? If so, use them 🙂 If not, you don’t need to spend any money on these subjects. Grammar should be very low key at this level (have you checked out the scope and sequence for language arts at Ambleside?), and copywork is best taken from their school books. As for picture study, you can get great artist books from your library, or download prints onto your desktop (free online) and use them as your screensaver! We use Spelling Wisdom for dictation, and love it. I downloaded them as ebooks and copy and paste everyone’s dictation onto one page to save printing costs. But you could easily do dictation from their school books or the Bible, and that would not cost you a thing 🙂

    We keep all our kids in the same AO year (except our teens, who are in the corresponding HEO year chronologically) so we can study history together. The books are challenging enough for kids much higher than that grade!

    I hope this is helpful 🙂

    Debi Z, married to my love author/editor Drew, homeschooling Mom to 6 boys and 5 girls ages 15-1, with another due July 4th!


    Yes, this is very helpful, thank you so much for taking the time to respond. If you don’t mind me asking, what AO years are you using?

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