Need video suggestions

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  • csmamma

    Hi Crystal,

    I’ll share something with you that has helped my 2yo listen to audios quietly while traveling.

    First, I’ll find a picture book that he just loves to have me read to him over & over again. Then, I’ll get the audio companion for it. When he starts to get restless in the vehicle, I’ll surprise him by popping in the audio CD. His face will immediately brighten as he recognizes one of his favorite stories. He sits quietly as he associates what he’s listening to, with the pictures he already has in his mind from the story. I think that little ones will usually sit and listen intently, when they can associate what they are hearing with something that they are already familiar with. HTH

    Blessings, Heather

    Rachel White

    I would definitely second the audio stories, in addition to or even more than, the videos. They increase the child’s attention span, imagination and entertain; as opposed to the video experience. Jim Weiss has some wonderful, dramatized cd’s appropriate for those ages. Also, Winnie the Pooh and other audios for that age group; there are coloring books to go along with some stories from Dover that they could color while listening.

    For videos, I always tried to keep modern animations to a minimum; instead they watched old animation, older children’s shows, and black and white shows. The older animation is slower in it’s scene changes and quick ‘flickering’ which affects the brain; the older children’s shows run in real time and same for the black and white, plus they aren’t as overly stimulating. All of this contributes to developing a longer attetnion span, which will help when introducing Classical Music, live theater (if you choose to expose them), live performances, twaddle-free literature. and a wider selection of entertainment.

    Some examples:

    Clay-mation type shows (can’t think of their titles right now, but they’re out there), older veggietales (from the 90’s); Nest animation videos; The Greatest Adventures of the Bible Stories; Mister Roger’s Neighborhood (definitely); Moody BIble Adventures; Answers in Genesis age appropriate videos; Leave it to Beaver, Captain Kangaroo; shows with puppets were very fun(and still are for mine at ages 8 and 9). Mine now enjoy The Muppet Show, the Old Robin Hood Series, Lassie, Andy Griffith, Roy Rogers, old musicals, old live-action Disney, Shirley Temple movies, and more; as well as the appropriate newer movies.

    A wonderful resource, started from Vision Forum, of G-dly family audio and video choices to dowload right onto your computer is




    Hi, Crystal, I’m so glad you won’t have to do too many more of those long trips!  Thinking back to when mine were little made me really feel for you!  Even the hour to grandma and grandpa’s was hard, and four hours was our absolute minimum because it just made them so miserable.  For audios, how about if you record yourself reading next time you’ll be reading to them anyway?  That way it won’t take up any extra time and then they’ll have some audios in mommy’s voice to alternate with the commercial audios, the videos, the car games, the coloring books, etc.  It doesn’t have to be professional, sometimes the interruptions and comments and mistakes are what you’ll all love best about them.  When my now-25 year old was five and wanted to listen to Five Children and It over and over and over (which was somehow harder to take than it was when my other kids were that age, because her choice was a chapter book, not a picture book!), I made cassette tapes of it. (It’s by E. Nesbit, published circa 1903; all of us have loved it; some people may object to the magic.)  She’s transferred them to CDs and is looking forward to sharing them with her own little ones in the future.  This would definitely be too old for a 2 year, and probably for most 5 year olds, too, but I’m sure they would cherish ones you made from more suitable books.  Oh, this is off topic because it’s not about videos, but I just thought of some fairly tidy car crafts—pipe cleaners or wiki stix (bendable wax on strings, basically), and modelling beeswax.  I second the suggestion of the Beatrix Potter videos–gentle and not frenetic, with the actual words and pictures of the book, which are quite literate and artistic.  Here’s another idea for audios:  there are various advent story books with 24 tiny chapters, one meant for each day of December.  You could begin each hour of the ride with a little chapter, and then they stop and do something else, so they have something they’re eagerly looking forward to, and if it’s 12 hours there and 12 hours back  (I really HOPE for your sake it’s 12 hours total, not each way!), you’d just have time to finish the whole story. The only ones I know are unfortunately going to be too old for your wee one, though.  Another similar idea that would be more age appropriate is the recording of the old Christmas serialized radio show from my parents’ childhoods called The Cinnamon Bear.  It’s totally secular and has magic in it, but my memory of it is that it’s wholesome and sweet, a teeny bit scary in one or two parts, but I’d imagine definitely manageable.  It’s kind of corny and old-fashioned.  Up until two or three years ago, my now-GIANT children (they were probably between 15 and 28 then!), were still making sure to be here every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas so we could all listen to this little kids’ story together!  And Rachel, I completely agree with your thoughts on appropriate pacing for children’s media.  We chose not to have any electronic media except a stereo, between our marriage in 1974 and about 2002, when our youngest (twins) were 10, and so, since we didn’t watch the changes come so gradually, we were SHOCKED at the hyper-frenetic atmosphere nowadays.  And this may be a total coincidence, but I feel the youngest two, who were exposed at a younger age, are slightly less focussed and more easily bored and more hooked on media and slightly more stressed than the others.  Which reminds me, I don’t know if it’s still available, but there used to be several really sweet slow-paced online games (not helpful for travel, but I’m mentioning it because I’m thinking about it) on the Peter Rabbit website, which I think was done by the publishers of Peter Rabbit (Frederick Warne.)  I can remember my younger three kids loving these when we first starting allowing a few computer games in 2002; they were really “too old” for them, but they were still charmed by them.  They were great little games.  Warm wishes to all, Sue

    Crystal Wagner

    Sadly, it is 11-12 hours each way.  My husband comes back to work after a week’s vacation with family.  The girls and I have been staying for another 2 weeks.  Then he comes back to pick us up (weekend trip with 21 hours total driving for him).  So at least for the girls, the drive time is split up with about 3 weeks between.  And they really do pretty well considering the length.  But that is exactly why we are only planning to do this 4 times total during the year.  (And next year, we hope to be 4-5 hours from family.  I am praying that this is a temporary situation.)

    They do have some activities to do during the drive, but I have found it hard to find something that the 2 year old can do and is interested in and not have tons of pieces to loose.  The 5 year old has lacing dolls she tells a story with, looks at books, colors, and just chills.  The 2 year old is a very different child.  The things that my older one liked at that age, she generally doesn’t.  She will color and look at books.  I would love to hear other suggestions of what to have for the 2 year old.  I have tried a number of things and they usually have lost interest in 5 minutes or less.


    We are huge audiobook fans. I’ve posted our favorites before and won’t repeat that list here. However, my youngest LOVES to listen to the ones Grandmommy has recorded while she follows along with the book. My mother-in-law recorded them with classical music and sound effects and they are a treasure to us!



    Have you tried Baby Einstein DVD’s? These are educational,but also slow (puppets, stuffed animals, toys, etc) They are also set to Classical Music–Baby Mozart style and such! My oldest loved them at this age! It was the only thing I let him watch. My youngest did not take to them as much for he was always on the go. But in the car, you cannot go anywhere! 🙂 Some of them come with a Classical CD to listen when not watching the DVD.

    Just another suggestion.

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