Need to pare down family school schedule for a bit

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  • Sue

    I have come to a point where behavior has gotten out of hand (particularly with 13yo ds w/ autism), the house is too cluttered (especially the girls’ bedroom), and school is not going as smoothly as I would like. I know some of you have discussed taking a bit of time “off” from the regular family schedule, including school, to regroup and refocus on necessary things. I feel we are at that point and need to take a week (maybe two?) to begin getting our act together, so to speak.

    I don’t expect to solve all of our issues in one week (oh, wouldn’t that be a blessing–I’d be writing a best-seller about it!), but I do think it’s nearing crisis time. Some of it has to do with our family situation (my husband & I have been separated for a long time, and he is living with another woman….not a spiritually or emotionally healthy environment for the kids), some of it is due to my son’s autistic behaviors, and some of it has been due to my lack of properly dealing with things. So, I’m trying to make a start at bettering our daily lives.

    My concern is this: if I limit our school shedule to the 4 R’s (Reading, ‘Riting, ‘Rithmetic, and Reading God’s Word), should I expect my high schooler (dd14) to complete any additional subjects? Do you think that would be necessary? I’m just concerned about her falling behind too much being at the high school level. Truth be told, she was already a bit late in starting her biology course, and she needs a little extra help with Algebra as it is.

    I look forward to hearing your comments and opinions.


    Rachel White

    Sue, I pared down like you are talking about last Spring and over the summer as I was completely overhwelmed and emotionally burned out after my husband’s health issues of 2011 and early 2012, climaxing in his anuerism.

    SO what did is I changed only our family subjects and the extras when I was required. HOwever, I did not change their independent work. This worked well.

    So what I did only was Bible study and history-that’s it. I dropped composer study and artist study; just kept classical music playing.



    My thought is there is freedom in Christ! Let me explain. The artificial schedule that says your high schooler will get ‘behind’ (or started a subject late) is just that – artificial. It’s not Christ saying “You must do school beginning Sept.1 and ending every subject’s lessons on May 30th.” Let it go and feel free to pare down for everyone for as long as you need.

    With that said, as you feel from the Spirit that a child is ready to add back in something or should continue something outside those basic 4 follow that prompting.

    I always remind myself that Christ focused on relationships. He ministered to individuals the most. That gives us a pattern for our own families. When something in the relationships and habits of home need attention then we can feel content to focus on those and let the academics take second place.

    ((HUGS)) Praying you’ll find the balance you need to get things back on track with each child and with the clutter. Small, consistent, daily efforts make a difference!

    We have been forced  to make many unscheduled breaks throughout the last six years due to circumstances and illness – we made a conscious decision to put our family first and not worry about falling behind…our families well being and health were more important than arbitrary dates for school and finishing school…so imho it is fine to take a break, make some changes, regroip, restore, whatever you want to do….it will all work out fine, and God knows the plan, and I am not arguing with Him!  Blessings, Linda

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