Need suggestions for Kindergarten homeschool class curriculum

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  • mtnmama

    I’m working with another mom to plan the Kindergarten homeschool co-op class lessons for next school year. People have to sign up for the fall semester now, and they will want to know what their kids will be learning.

    Any suggestions for easy to follow lesson plans? I don’t have time to gather information and plan activities. I’d love resources that give all the information I need to teach. Any topic is an option at this point, we are starting from scratch which is really fun but also a little scary!


    Is this for all subjects or just certain ones? I love My Father’s World for Kindergarten – it encompasses Bible, Math, Phonics, Science, Art, Music. You could even use it as a letter of the week type program and just do the science, crafts/extra activities. You would have to gather a few books each week from the library, but MFW also sells the complete literature collection, so you could just buy it so you don’t have to. You can sometimes find it used, too, on the My Father’s World Curriculum Exchange group on Facebook.


    I think if it were me, I’d go with Five in a row.  I’m guessing it’s once a week?  I think Five in a Row would be simple yet complete and can be done in one day a week.


    I did a letter of the week class last year and my son is in aneed Itty bitty book club this year.  They read a book, talk a little, do a craft.  In our letter of the week, I always brought a snack related to it; that was a hit.


    Next year, I’ve considered some of these:

    They look fun.

    Good luck,



    If it were me, I’d do Wee Folk Art. I love the idea of it for my kids, but it’s too much to plan with other kids of different ages.


    We used to go to a co op where I taught a literature class with that age. I kept it very simple and each week I would bring about 4-5 classic picture books, sometimes focusing on a theme like a season change or upcoming holiday; some poetry; I’d go over what an author and illustrator does; the year the book was written; and usually have them draw or color a coordinating page that I would find online.  At the end of the year I gave a copy of the book list for the parents.  My son was also in a couple of classes that he liked like Five in a Row and a community helpers type class.

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