Need suggestion for teaching mechanics of grammar

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Need suggestion for teaching mechanics of grammar

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    My ds12 is needing some practice and instruction with the mechanics of grammar.  Do any of you have a suggestion for a curriculum or method for teaching these skills?  I am considering using Get Smart grammar next year but as I look into it am realizing that it is primarily parts of speech and diagramming.  I would still like to use it but also need some help teaching the mechanics of grammar.  Thanks so much!




    Cozy Punctuation is one option.  We are using Fix it Grammar next year.  I think mechanics are included,  but I am not sure.


    Thanks so much!  I hadn’t heard of Cozy Punctuation.  I will be looking this one up for sure!


    We are using Fix It Grammar but are pretty new to it (week 8 of level 1). The things I like:

    1. It rolls several things into one for us: You have grammar instruction, copywork, and even a vocab word each day – all couched in ‘fixing’ the sentence or passage of the day. The kids copy a corrected version into a notebook and by the end of the year/book they have an entire story written in their own hand.

    2. It is flexible. I only have to ‘teach’ once a week a new concept. Then they practice it all week in the passages, while being held responsible for the things they already have learned.

    3. It has a list. At the top of the week’s page is a reminder list of the things they should be checking or marking.



    Thank you, Tristan!  I am going to look into this too!


    There is also Jr Analytical Mechanics by the JrAG people.

    If you were to use Get Smart you could use Jr Analytical Mechanics after to brush up mechanics.


    Thank you!  There is so much out there with which I am not familiar.  I appreciate your help.  I look forward to researching it!


    Isn’t that what Using Language Well is?


    I like some things about Fix It Grammar.  I am not a CM purist by any stretch,however, it does strike me that I believe she discussed not letting students see things incorrect and then correct it themselves.  That they should only see the correct.  But back when I was a school teacher, my students loved the idea of correcting mistakes.

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