Need some written narration advice.

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Narration Need some written narration advice.

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  • yoliemiller

    My daughter has been doing written narrations for about 1 year.  I think it is going ok.  She does one written narration a day and the rest are oral.  I am trying to decide if it would be better for her to do her written narration daily on the same book for continuity, or if we should continue to jump around?  Basically, every day we pick a book that she is currently reading, and she writes something from it.  Sometimes I struggle with things seeming chopped up… like it’s not progressing along in a sensible way.  She is starting to write about specific topics- like compare/contrast, the setting, etc.  

    I was just wondering what others do.  I think it might be helpful for me to hear.  I hope this makes sense.  🙁 Thanks.



    Yollie, I would suggest either writing from one book at a time daily OR writing from lit. on Monday, history on Tuesday and so on. DD11 does the second option and ties together from one written narration to the next most of the time. Last year we jumped around and I liked it less, too.



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