Need some ideas for my independent learner

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    My dd (6 in Feb.) has always hated getting help. Her mantra? “I can do it myself!” She’s really well behaved and listens well when I ask her to do something but the minute I try to help her understand how to do something she withdraws and rolls around on the couch and rolls her eyes. 

    For instance, she really wants to read. Her big (age 7) sister reads and learned quite easily. I got her the books I used for her sister (Memoria Press First Start Reading) and have been trying to work with her for a few weeks now. She knows all her sounds and is working on blending but the moment I try to help her she practically growls at me. It’s funny over dinner while telling my husband but incredibly frustrating while trying to teach her! I usually just put the book away and tell her we will work on it when she wants to and try to move onto something else but then she cries and says she really wants to. Could have fooled me! Tongue out

    Can anyone help me with ideas for teaching my very independant child how to read. She needs to think it’s her idea and she isn’t receiving help. 


    This may sound silly, but all my 5 year olds responded to a puppet. They read to them, did math with them, and even learned piano with the puppet who ” just could not understand it!! ” 🙂

    Today, our puppet named Priscilla was having a sleepy day. She yawned and said she needed help waking up. So my six year old sang to her the alphabet song and then we did a short reading lesson. Priscilla can’t read well, so she really appreciates my six year old who shows her how to do it.

    Obviously, I am Priscilla’s voice and character. But it really makes our school fun when the puppet buddy is there and “learning” too. Oh, and BTW, my puppet is very good quality. I think it’s made by the Melissa and Doug company if you should go looking. I bought the cowgirl one with blond yarn hair and cowgirl hat. 🙂


    Simple Home posted this on another thread – I thought maybe you could find a way to adapt it to your situation by having her teach a doll or stuffed animal… =)



    @ sheraz—That is a great idea!  When my sons were being independant they had a dog that came into the library. The lady had trained her dog to listen to children read.  The crazy thing about it was they took to it and were reading better and better every time we went.  She said, They are good readers.”  I know that it really helped to have the dog to read to though. 

        We just went to the Library this week and rented out a dragon.  I think I will sit down with her and have her read to him.   She has been getting frustrated about blending lately.  Maybe a dragon can help her out! 

                             Thanks again Sheraz!


    That’s a great idea! I bet she would like that. I may even let her “teach” her infant sister. 🙂  

    It worked again today! When I said it’s time for math drill, she sighed (not disrespectfully, just doesn’t like it:). I said, “I bet Priscilla needs to come to our house today and learn her addition facts too.” A big smile and agreement was the response, and my dd really showed off for Priscilla and did an extra drill.

    It’s totally fun, even for me! 🙂

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